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NPC night time AI


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hey all. forgive me if this has already been made or brought up or whatever. i cant find anything on it. But am i the only one who hates that npc's "vision" at night is still the same as though its day. i love stealthing around with nightvision and all that jazz but it doesnt really mean much if the enemies dont share the same disadvantage of not seeing at night ( especially with darker nights mod ). i dont know if its possible but if there was a mod that can change the npc behavior so its more difficult for them to "see" at night or the alert radius greatly decreased or however it works lol. that would be just plain awesome

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  • 2 months later...

Yes there is a way to do this but you'd have to apply it ... somehow.. to every single character and creature in the game. You'd most likely want to create it as a perk for each enemy that when they are under moon light they have reduced combat range / aggro radius. SInce if you use the ingame clock for when its night time, you'd fall into issues with being in interiors during the night when your cearly visible.


You have the right idea, but I'm curious how I would apply that to all creatures without going through each (in every DLC too).

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