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Invalid Texture + CTD


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Now, Now, I hear screaming at me through your monitor that i suck at modding or whatever but before you say that let me explain, So recently when i started playing i noticed my textures would dissapear and my game would Ctd, Here are some screens of what i'm talking about




So, In a desperate attempt to fix the situation i uninstalled every mod i thought would cause the conflict, No Dice, Then I Uninstalled the game,No dice

And yes I have checked my load order, Here it is anyway


[X] FNVToolkit.esm
[X] Project Nevada - Core.esm
[X] Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp
[X] Project Nevada - Equipment.esm
[X] Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp
[X] SomeguySeries.esm
[X] TOUTUlyssesR.esm
[X] ProjectBrazil.esm
[X] DeadMoney.esm
[X] HonestHearts.esm
[X] OldWorldBlues.esm
[X] LonesomeRoad.esm
[X] CFWNV.esm
[X] Project Brazil Atrium Performance Patch.esp
[X] Fellout.esp
[X] Ambassador.esp
[X] GrenadLauncherIsShotgun.esp
[X] Doctors bag is Medkit.esp
[X] Marksman Carbine to huntsman carbine.esp
[X] 357 Revolver To Colt Navy.esp
[X] Survivalist Race.esp
[X] Assualt Carbine To FN FAL.esp
[X] Anit-Material Rifle Upgrade.esp
[X] Dynamite To Molotov.esp
[X] MiniGun And Shoulder mounted machine gun upgrade.esp
[X] Holorifle upgrade.esp
[X] Caravan Shotgun EDIT.esp
[X] .45 smg upgrade.esp
[X] Classic 10MM pistol.esp
[X] Classic Knives.esp
[X] Tri Beam To Heater Shtgun.esp
[X] Single Shotgun To Repeater Rifle.esp
[X] Light Machine Gun To Heavy Repeater.esp
[X] .22 Smg Uprgrade.esp
[X] Hunting Shotgun Upgrade.esp
[X] 001 Varmint Rifle Upgrade.esp
[X] More Revolers 001.esp
[X] 001 Classic Laser Rifle.esp
[X] Silenced .22 Pistol Uprgrade.esp
[X] 9mm Pistol to that gun.esp
[X] Brotherhood Armor.esp
[X] CNR_Beta.esp
[X] Classic Advanced Power Armor.esp
[X] NCRTrooperOverhaul.esp
[X] sil22_smgbetter.esp
[X] Skip DLC - Dead Money.esp
[X] KnuckleBeatGlovesCHT.esp
[X] GrimyBusinesswearFix.esp
[X] Plausible Starting Outfit.esp
[X] ZAZ_TheStylishVivaLasVegasSuit.esp
[X] NVWillow.esp
[X] AmmoCollectingFPSstyle.esp
[X] FeelingIrradiated.esp
[X] DrugsAreBadMKay.esp
[X] Eat_Pickable_Food.esp
[X] GrenadeHotkey.esp
[X] GrenadeHotkey - DeadMoney.esp
[X] No Scope Wobble.esp
[X] Centered.esp
[X] Amata's Face Playable v1.0.esp
[X] courierrace.esp
[X] Cigarettes for Machienzo.esp
[X] CASM.esp
[X] FadeToBlack.esp
[X] Classic Books.esp
[X] Nuka Cola Cans.esp
[X] K2K9 Personal Medical Kits.esp
[X] BushesAndTumbleweedsRemoved.esp
[ ] Classic FO SM_v1.2.esp
[X] HalfHansifiedHolorifle.esp
[X] Abraxo-Mr.SparkleDetergent.esp
[X] Vurt's WFO.esp
[X] ShilohDS-Color Maps and Icons.esp
[X] The Mod Configuration Menu.esp
[X] 45autopistolfix.esp
[X] Bravo!.esp
[X] Auto5.esp
[X] BM4A1.esp
[X] CamonPack - Blachnick - Scottmack.esp
[X] CamonPack - Blachnick.esp
[X] Classic HK L30 Gatling Laser (non-replacer, no holster).esp
[X] Classic HK L30 Gatling Laser (non-replacer, holster).esp
[X] Classic HK L30 Gatling Laser (replacer, no holster).esp
[X] HK9SMG.esp
[X] Classic Plasma Grenade.esp
[X] Classic Pulse Grenade (vanilla sound).esp
[X] Classic Pulse Grenade (classic sound).esp
[X] Classic Wattz 2000 Laser Rifle.esp
[X] yk32.esp
[X] ColtDragoon.esp
[X] C1849.esp
[X] Colt_10mm_pistol.esp
[X] Couriers Blunder + Rifle.esp
[X] Crossbow.esp
[X] Debullked_Mini_guns.esp
[X] DA-PoilicePistol.esp
[X] FBSykes.esp
[X] FO3WeaponsRestoration.esp
[X] Flamethrower Replacer.esp
[X] FleshBurningPlasma.esp
[X] Type100.esp
[X] thismachinetruesemiauto.esp
[X] This_Machine_m14_with_Scope.esp
[X] TruckRifle.esp
[X] Dead Money - Automatic Rifle fix.esp
[X] Buckshot Shotgun.esp
[X] Snub Nose Magnum.esp
[X] FourBarrelAcidShotgun_1st_load.esp
[X] FourBarrelAcidShotgun_2nd_load.esp
[X] Glock Plasma Weapons_Replacer.esp
[X] MCL-GR-P1_CombatShotgun.esp
[X] MCL_Industrial Nailer.esp
[X] G3SG1.esp
[X] H4DMR.esp
[X] HK9SMG-Replacer.esp
[X] ScottmackWeaponPack.esp
[X] RevolverRifle_0.esp
[X] Removable_Robot_Arms.esp
[X] Remington870SO.esp
[X] Remy_v1.1.esp
[X] QuadBeamLaser.esp
[X] PPSh41.esp
[X] Proto SMG-Replacer.esp
[X] Plasmids.esp
[X] P38_Pistol.esp
[X] Missile Launcher DeBulked.esp
[X] Duplet.esp
[X] Mag-Accelerated BB gun.esp
[X] Claymore.esp
[X] M14.esp
[X] LewisNV.esp
[X] KABAR.esp
[X] Karabiner98k.esp
[X] K900_Jnr.esp
[X] Faster .45.esp
[X] HomemadeSMG.esp
[X] BetterGamePerformanceV4.esp
[X] CleanHuntingRifle.esp
[X] Hunting Rifle Upgrade.esp
[X] 9mm buff.esp
[X] Grenade Rifle To Bioshock Shotgun.esp
[X] 001 Lever action shotty upgrade.esp
[X] Enclave Tesla Rifle.esp
[X] CShotgun.esp
[X] Classic Quad Barrel Riot Shotgun.esp
[X] Classic FN FAL.esp
[X] AER-12 Enclave Tesla Rifle.esp
[X] NVWillow Rebalance Patch.esp
[X] NVWillow Rebalance Patch -lore.esp
[X] BioshockShotgun.esp
[X] PlayableHHTribals.esp
The dissapearing texture also applies to loading screens,
I was VERY reluctant to post this as most members are not friendly
EDIT: I mean mesh not texture, Silly me :tongue:
Oh and when this happens i can't access my menu
Edited by Yogogamer
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  • 2 weeks later...

You don't owe me anything. 139 is a number that you just have to know, and it defies the expectation that you can load up to 224 as in other games using the same engine.

Is there a way to merge plugins to reduce their number? I have 214 plugins atm but the majority of them are custom armors and weapons.

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