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help installing ULO and ENBoost


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hey :smile:

im not sure if this is the place to ask, but does anyone use ULO, the non ENB one (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/37846/?) with ENBoost (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/38649//?)? if so, how do you install both and get a game running with both active? ive used both, but never at the same time...
i dont know what the injector or wrapper is, and dont know which one to go with...

also, if you do, can you use them alongside RLO, CoT, ELFX at the same time and get good FPS? ive read the ULO page and description, but it doesnt state if you can use them all at once...

i also use NMM to install RLO, CoT and ELFX, but im not sure if that info is helpful...

thanks in advance :smile:

Edited by mase18
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if so, how do you install both and get a game running with both active?


Install ULO as normal, then when installing ENB / ENBoost use the Injector version and not the wrapper. The difference between the two is that the wrapper uses the d3d9.dll file and the Injector version used these files instead of the d3d9.dll: ENBInjector.exe, enbinjector.ini, and enbseries.dll. When you open the downloaded original ENB / ENBoost files you'll see that they're split into two difference folders so you can't mix files up. Don't forget to setup the ENBoost main file: enblocal.ini to be suited to your system, which mainly is setting the correct value for the line:


...which is "supposed" to be set using the equation of RAM+VRAM-2048. Read ENBoosts mod description page as it does tell you what you need to know.




also, if you do, can you use them alongside RLO, CoT, ELFX at the same time and get good FPS?


Technically, yes you could run all of those, but RLO and ELFX are not designed to run together so this combination may work but may not. Some people seem to think it's ok to use both but I've never tried as I'm totally happy with ELFX. CoT is compatible with all of the mods you've mentioned.

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