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Mod Request to Burry Dead NPC's


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Usually I find a nice covered spot under a bridge or in a bush to dump the bodies. If in Whiterun I dump the body of cultists or guards under the bridge. This stops awkward situations where guards and other NPC's will see the body and ask what happens. It also feels disrepectful and creepy to drag the body and dump it somewhere. Thus, I thought of a mod that would be lore-friendly and realistic: Burrying dead NPC's. It would be simple where you'd click on the dead NPC.


A dialogue box would pop up and give you two choices: Loot or Burry. You can then loot the body normally and/or burry the body. When you click burry, an animation happens where you do the digging animation from a smelter right next to the spot where the body is. Because of that you might want to move the bodies to an appropiate place. There's the short digging animation and then the animation ends and the body dissapears. It's replaced by the graves that dot Skyrim's landscape and could possibly have an inscription of the character's choosing.


Or it could be a simple digging animation followed by the apperance of a grave and the body is vanished. I think this would be cool because many times the bodies of NPC's I kill don't dissapear such as the cultits or various NPC's. This is annoying and immersion-breaking to see the deceased NPC still there after days (or months) of in-game time after you killed him or her.


It would also be fitting to burry certain NPC's like guards who are killed due to a dragon attack or a vampire assault, for example. I think it would be a good mod and further add to the realism and immersion. So if someone could turn this into reality I would greatly appreciate it and use it with every single play-through. Until then, fingers crossed and many thanks in advance!! :smile:


P.S. You could also choose several types of graves such as the ones in the burial site at Falkreath or the Nordic graves with the spiral of stones. Or you could have a nondescripant grave that's just a normal mound of earth. For dark characters and vampires you could have the option to dig up the grave by activating it and playing the animation. Then the mod is reversed and the body appears as the grave is dug up. Personally I wouldn't do that but some people might want to. Also, if you bury people for a short time you could get the Blessings of Arkay like you would from his Shrine. But it would wear off after a while giving you a reason other than good morals to bury people, if you want that Blessing.

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