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Mod to Increase brightness of light sources?


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Hi there...


I have pretty much got my copy of Skyrim modded and working how I would like it.. there is just one problem. While I like Dark dungeons and all that, I find that the lights (lamps w/e) only cast a small amount of light.


I'm using Climates, EFX and ProjectENB, Lanterns of Skyrim ALL.


I understand these make it darker, but it isn't so much how dark it is but how much light is given off by a lamp. It has taken me a while to get it setup as is and I do not really want to spend anther day fiddling.. I want to play! So I was hoping there is a simple "increase light source brightness" mod about.. preferably with a slider in skyUI?

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Not that I know of.

I just told him (and you) how.


Not really, he was asking if a mod with a slider setting for SkyUI existed and I said not that I know of referring to his question.


Because he doesn't know it's already in his game, which it is.


Exactly but you said you told (me) but you didn't because I was saying "no mod that I know of" and I didn't spell out any other details because you already did that.

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PointLightingIntensity and PointLightingIntensityCurve for Day/Night/Interiors in your enbseries.ini file

Hello, this is kind of old but i am replaying and having a similar issue... but there is no PointLightingIntensity or PointLightingIntensityCurve in my .ini, and adding them doesn't do anything... so any idea what could i do with

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