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Using the GetWithinPackageLocation condition


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I don't think so either :sad: Not the way I wanted, anyway. I've not tested it fully yet, but it seems to measure the distance from the point position of the reference object, rather than from its outer bounds.

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Creating a mod that reduces radiation exposure when inside sounds like a wonderful idea!


Sounds like a very difficult problem to determine if you are 'inside' a rad-resistant structure though...


Have you considered just some craftable (invisible) markers that give the player an increased Radrestistanceexposure AV when within 'getdistance' of that marker? Obviously you could cheat with it, but at least people who think their solid concrete bunker should be protection could place one in it's middle for 'realism'...

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Creating a mod that reduces radiation exposure when inside sounds like a wonderful idea!


Sounds like a very difficult problem to determine if you are 'inside' a rad-resistant structure though...


Have you considered just some craftable (invisible) markers that give the player an increased Radrestistanceexposure AV when within 'getdistance' of that marker? Obviously you could cheat with it, but at least people who think their solid concrete bunker should be protection could place one in it's middle for 'realism'...


Yes, I have. The problem with doing it that way is, most structures are rectangular, whereas placing markers will give a circular area of protection. Determining what's a concrete structure isn't actually that hard, since they tend to have a particular acoustic space attached to them. I was hoping to use a condition that was essentially 'when within the relevant acoustic space, remove radiation damage from rad storms', but that doesn't seem to be possible in the strictest sense.

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Is there actually some conditional for 'current acoustic space'?

If so then isn't that sufficient for a perk/magic effect that adds the 'no rad damage' keyword to the player?


I agree the spherical nature of detection zone for other options is not optimal - just suggesting it as perhaps useful as a craftable item for settlements. Your acoustic idea wouldn't help there anyway... I am not sure if collision layers are spherical, but that would be another idea for a 'marker' (but would use a script for the ontriggerenter etc event so a bit more of a load on the game).

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Is there actually some conditional for 'current acoustic space'?

If so then isn't that sufficient for a perk/magic effect that adds the 'no rad damage' keyword to the player?


I agree the spherical nature of detection zone for other options is not optimal - just suggesting it as perhaps useful as a craftable item for settlements. Your acoustic idea wouldn't help there anyway... I am not sure if collision layers are spherical, but that would be another idea for a 'marker' (but would use a script for the ontriggerenter etc event so a bit more of a load on the game).


There is no such conditional that I can see! As far as creating trigger blocks goes: I don't think you can build inside them.

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