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An AR 15 mod is overwriting gun modifications, universal mount crashes the game...


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So I thought an couple months back: "This weapon looks badass" and downloaded it.

Then things got weird like this month in particular.

I noticed in receivers, AR 10 / AR 15 would pop up in guns like the classic 10MM pistol from project mojave.

At first I thought it was cool, until I got to the scopes section:

It starts off normal: Recon, Glow, Standard Iron sights... then the AR 15 options started showing up: Colt scope, and universal mount: with universal mount crashing my game. if anyone has any ideas on what mod from the AR 15 is doing this, I'd like to know the culprit and uninstall it.

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Heyas Asriel. I had a problem like this pop up as well. In my case it was rifle barrels that would show up as mods for any other kind of rifle, even the vanilla ones.

What you need to do is find the mod that adds those weapon modifications to the game. However, in MY Case, it was NOT the mod that added in the the actual barrels to the game, it was a new weapon mod that created a conflict, and cause the bug.


My advice is to try deactivating the newest weap/armor/item mods that you've installed, load up a new char to test it out on, (you can download clean savegames at the downloads section if you don't want to make a new one)


But yeah. Essentially whatever it was, was creating modifications for weapons that didn't have the keyword or the graphics for that weapon. As soon as the game tried to render it in the build preview... CRASH.


If you still need to find that particular scope.... what I did was load up the weapon mods in Xedit (Fallout 4 edit) and then went looking through the weapon modifications sections of the files, to find the source of where they were coming from.

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Oh also. You probly wont want to spend the time needed to get the materials and perks needed for the construction of the mods, on the test character. A mod called Cheat Terminal

can help you out with that. Has some other really nice functions such as being able to open up looks menu on the fly, changing character height, bypassing the games for unlocking locks/terminals, and other stuff.

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