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Vertical scroll bar in Creation Kit?

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I play / mod on a 30 inch TV which sits about 5 feet from me. I have the resolution set for 1360 / 768.


I have found that a number of CK screens are larger than my display which causes the 'OK' button, as well as some fields, to be off screen. I need to temporarily change the screen to 1920 / 1080 to change anything 'below' my display or to click the 'OK'. The problem is my old eyes can't see crap at 1920 / 1080. Moving closer is not really an option and the TV doesn't really do 1920 / 1080 very well anyways.


I've tried looking for a scroll bar option in CK but am not seeing it. Is there a scroll bar?

Edited by 42sheep
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I use an external app AltDrag to pan down the page to see those buttons.


That looks intriguing. Thanks!


EDIT: It's awesome. I can see what I'm typing now. Thanks again!

Edited by 42sheep
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