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Making Enemies Spawn with multiple Legendary Effects?

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I've noticed that a lot of mods let you craft weapons that have multiple slots for legendary mods, but for whatever reason none of them offer the ability to have enemies spawn with those multiple legendary weapons, so there's less of a scavenging feel to it. I'm interested in doing it myself, but am having trouble getting past the point of adding a second slot to a weapon to start with, let alone getting into I presume the levelled lists to change what enemies spawn with (Though I assume if I change the base weapon, they'd spawn with it since the levelled lists presumably call the base weapon?). Sorry, I'm not really familiar with how the game works yet. Still reading up on the XEdit and creation kit documentation


EDit: My initial, naive idea is to go into CK, create a duplicate of the AP_Legnedary keyword, and manually attach that to all the weapons (since this is for personal use and compatibility be damned) but I can't seem to look into what the keyword actually does from CK so I'm not sure what the game would actually do there.

Edited by SorcerousOwl
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