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A true Priest of the divines.


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So I got the idea for this mod after using the Wrath of the Divines scroll included in the apocalypse spell package. So the idea is to include a new type of magic to the game called prayers. It would have its own category in the magic menu that will act like shouts sort of. All of the new prayers will already appear in the menu but have to be unlocked using favor points. There can be new radiant quests to get favor points that are lore friendly (i.e. For Stendar you hunt down a daedra worshiper, Or for zenithar you have to craft a specific item.) The prayers should be divine specific (perhaps someone could help with ideas for these) and the most powerful prayers should have some spectacular effects (i.e. Aspect of akatosh- Basically call odahviing with a custom golden dragon). Also if it is possible there needs to be a prayer animation. Not like getting on the ground and meditating but putting your hands together in prayer.


I believe this mod will add to immersion and roleplay values for those who have wanted to play as almost an mmo type priest class in skyrim. plus it sounds pretty cool to me/

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Priests exist as NPCs in the game, so it would be great if someone created a mod that allows player characters to have a more priestly role. An expansion of the Restoration spells would be handy -- the existing Paladin Spell Pack mod does a good job of that. A different special priestly power for each of the 9 Divines would be cool. To retain balance, priests maybe need to be restricted from using edged weapons and bows (as D&D does), so they could uses maces, staffs, clubs. Edited by ScottC12
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