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Friendly Fire setting iAllyHitNonCombatAllowed in FO4?


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Does anyone know if the 'friendly fire' ini settings documented for Skyrim also apply to Fallout 4?


fFriendHitTimer A friendly hit expires after this amount of time 10.0

fFriendMinimumLastHitTime A friendly hit is added only when this amount of time has passed since the last friendly hit 0.5

iFriendHitCombatAllowed The number of hits that are allowed by a friend when they are in combat before they will attack you 3

iFriendHitNonCombatAllowed The number of hits that are allowed by a friend when they are not in combat before they will attack you 0

iAllyHitCombatAllowed The number of hits that are allowed by an ally when they are in combat before they will attack you 1000

iAllyHitNonCombatAllowed The number of hits that are allowed by an ally when they are not in combat before they will attack you 3

Edited by PJMail
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