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The Next Tes is the End of the Human Main Culture, how many TES Games


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Aldmeris probably never existed but was rather more of a metaphor about Meri unity. Yokuda was sunk by sword-nukes.


You are right, however, in that there are other continents. There are also the Aredric plane(t)s, which like the planes of Oblivion are infinite in their potential size.


The problem is Tamriel. It is, literally, the center of the universe. It is by far the most important continent, and the origin of all life on Nirn. It's the focus of the story because it's so important, and it's not likely to shift towards any of the other continents in the near future. At least not in the main franchise.

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I just wish Bethesda would stop emptying Towns and Cities where Quest related People die and we walk around a Ghost Town.


Helgen could've been Rebuild, hence a Mod did it called Helgen Reborn


Winterhold is a Joke, yes we get it, the Mages did it boo hoo, just Freakin Rebuild the City and stop Whining in a Corner. Not even the Jarl on the Imperial Side who Trust the Mages Rebuild Winterhold and theres No Quest to Investigate the Truth.


There are so many Empty Spaces around Skyrim, i really Hope TES6 is Populated, what Game or RPG is Populated and i hope ESO does the job well since your exploring the Entire Tamriel


Why Bethesda is Wasting their time with Consoles and not Properly Patch them or give them Better Questing Results i will never know, i mean the Mods being released by Modders is Astounding and puts the Consoles to Shame.


Come to think of it, the Biggest Waste of Money for an RPG Game is the Consoles, sure on PC you can make a Game and just release it, because they give us the Creation Kit and know we will Fix their work or Expand on it, Console Players can just Buy the Game and Complain about it with Bugs.


I was onboard until you said Skyrim is too empty. I feel the opposite when I play. Granted, the cities are under-populated and under-developed. Out in the supposed wilds of Skyrim, you can't turn around without something being in the way. A dungeon, a cave , a shack, etc..


Did you see the places the programmers chose for the Hearthfire houses? They're on top of other, problematic content that re-spawns. Hard to believe they couldn't do better, but where would you put one, otherwise.

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I was onboard until you said Skyrim is too empty. I feel the opposite when I play. Granted, the cities are under-populated and under-developed. Out in the supposed wilds of Skyrim, you can't turn around without something being in the way. A dungeon, a cave , a shack, etc..


Did you see the places the programmers chose for the Hearthfire houses? They're on top of other, problematic content that re-spawns. Hard to believe they couldn't do better, but where would you put one, otherwise.



This is why I use mods that deactivate the respawning bandit, giant, dragon, necromancer, hostile creature clutter that just happens to be on your hearthfire property!


Having these events was on purpose, by the way. Bethesda wanted your homestead to be "exciting" and not just a place to rest your sword after a long day of adventuring... The very opposite of why most players wanted Hearthfire, and similar BYOH mods in the first place: A respite from the constant on-slaught of death and destruction the majority of the game is filled with. There are certain mods that landscape the property and literally remove things like animal dens, sacrificial altars, etc. You know, stuff that would not be conducive to raising a family safely?

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