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The Next Tes is the End of the Human Main Culture, how many TES Games


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True, but since Skyrim is the focus point of the High Elves, i have high hopes TES6 will be Summerset Isle


The problem with jumping right to Summerset is we have to take another large leap in events. Alinor is probably the most heavily defended province in Tamriel, and to get to it without leaving themselves open the Empire would first have to take control of Valenwood and Elsweyr. I say specifically the Empire because frankly, no one else has the power.


Anyway, to go to Summerset, you'd need to just handwave the conquest of the mainland provinces away, something which could be hard to force the community to swallow.

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honestly I don't care where the next game is as long as they don't kill it. oblivion has a lot of good things that I wished morrowind had had, yet the left out a great deal more that morrowind had and oblivion did not. skyrim is good, though it could have been better, with like hard core mod from fonv (needing to eat sleep drink). it also would have been nice if the things we do actually matter.. in fallouts places could be saved or destroyed based on your choices. in skyrim nothing I do matters, even being dragon born doesn't matter as npcs even mobs kill dragons.

what im saying is the next game shouldnt just be as good as skyrim but evolve alittle.. im not talking about making it pretty and fancy, or never before seen.. im talking about making the game better. each game looks more pretty but its not advancing much. im not trying to hurt Bethesda just trying to help them alittle as im sure they read our posts from time to time.

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Personally I'm hoping the next Elder Scrolls is set in High Rock. I think it's better for the stranger aspects of the Elder Scrolls franchise (beast races and elves) to maintain a supporting role rather than taking center stage. Although to be honest I'm more concerned with what they put into the setting rather than the setting itself. Story and characters being the most important of all. If the next Elder Scrolls is as shallow as Skyrim, I may not bother purshasing it at all.


I see Oblivion getting dissed in this thread for reintroducing familiar themes because they're standard D&D. I have to ask, WHY is that in any way a bad thing?! Methinks some people doesn't really like fantasy fiction that much in the first place. Oblivion may not have broken much new ground story wise, but the familiar tales it did tell were well presented. Can't say the same for Skyrim.


What Skyrim did do well was make combat/gameplay more engaging, in addition to improving the graphics...beyond that....eh..not much. Skyrim's wyverns lost their charm rather quickly too, especially when they'd fly off in the middle of battle to chase a goat halfway across the country side. Darn goats.


Much as some of us might be anticipating the next Elder Scrolls, we won't being seeing a sequel for probably another four or five years. Minimum. Fallout will be the next Bethesda title to be released.

Edited by Kraeten
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A thought has just occurred to me, was Skyrim a Mistake to be made, because it was there in the North the Dwarves have Disappeared, will we eventually hear about the Dwarves when All TES Lore Regions of Bethesda closed the book, because i think Skyrim shouldve been the Last Game, because why is Bethesda pushing the Only Mystery of Legend towards each Game and not have it solved already, or is there another Legend and Mystery besides the Dwarves

Edited by daventry
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I think theres more unknowns to elder scrolls, a lot more of them..

but I think youre right and I always assumed one day the dwemer and falmer would somehow return, or atlest there stories be told in detail.

however the game or dlc.. "return of the dwemer" would be horrible, as for some people like my self the dwemer are so mysterious which is what makes them cool. if I were to walk into a dwemer city and see 100s of them.. that would just be so normal and boring. the allure of there unknown is what makes them cool if not they are just another mer.

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I see Oblivion getting dissed in this thread for reintroducing familiar themes because they're standard D&D. I have to ask, WHY is that in any way a bad thing?! Methinks some people doesn't really like fantasy fiction that much in the first place. Oblivion may not have broken much new ground story wise, but the familiar tales it did tell were well presented. Can't say the same for Skyrim.


I think you're missing the point of the complaints about Oblivion. It was a mediocre execution (on of Bethesda's better, I will admit) but totally lacked any originality. It just dropped TES back in the same generic mixing pot they had spent a decade working out of, so much so that even the developers said it was a bit of a disappointment to work on.


Typical fantasy is fine, but it's made by the cartload. Between Might and Magic, Dragon Age, Warcraft and Neverwinter, the market is saturated with classical fantasy. Elder Scrolls tried something different, and had amazing success with Morrowind, but then turned right around and went back to the D&D schtick. It was a creative nightmare to strip the world of the interesting things which had attracted new players to it.


I should point out, however, that EVERY time a TES game comes out, people cry about it ruining the franchise. Morrowind was no exception, and people threatened to quit the series over it. Now it's regarded as the pinnacle of the Elder Srcolls. The series has ups and downs, but it's highly unlikely It will ever be 'ruined' as people tend to bemoan. Personally, I found Oblivion to be the low point thus far, but you are free to disagree.



Anyway, as for the Dwemer. They're gone. Gone gone gone. There is no mystery, except for the peasantry who aren't up and up with the modern scientific studies. The only 'return' of the Dwemer comes with Landfall, where they are judged for their transgressions. And they horribly change the world in the process.

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you are forgetting a few things, in that world the gods are real, therefor any dead race could return. however im not 100% sure the dwemer did die, what if they time jumped? either by there own doing, by mistake, because of the gods or maybe by some other unknown way or party. true they could be all dead, but like I knew would happen to the falmer getting rid of 100% of any race isn't so simple.

I don't want the dwemer to return however I believe there is always a way, atlest in elder scrolls.

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The Dwemer neither died, nor time-jumped. Their plan was to use the Brass Tower (the Numidium) to forge a new god and escape Mundus. They sorta succeeded, but lacked the collective power to make it. They became the Numidium, but as soon as they Heart of Lorkhan was removed from it, they became inert.

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Typical fantasy might be made the cartload, but the same can't be said of the open world variety. As for the future of the franchise, I wouldn't say Skyrim has ruined Elder Scrolls...but it is a rather clear step backwards in terms of quality. Less interesting characters, shorter and inferior questlines being the chief problems. Although I'd personally say level design was better in Oblivion too, considering that there were seven unique cities in Oblivion as opposed to Skyrim's five.

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Typical fantasy might be made the cartload, but the same can't be said of the open world variety. As for the future of the franchise, I wouldn't say Skyrim has ruined Elder Scrolls...but it is a rather clear step backwards in terms of quality. Less interesting characters, shorter and inferior questlines being the chief problems. Although I'd personally say level design was better in Oblivion too, considering that there were seven unique cities in Oblivion as opposed to Skyrim's five.


I actually found the characters MORE interesting. I certainly remember more people and their problems than in Oblivion. As for level design... Well, Oblivion may have had the trump in cities, but the same cannot be said for dungeons. Every dungeon in Oblivion was the same walk to the end, kill a monster/bandit, walk back. There was no story to uniqueness to the dungeons, which Skyrim has.


Either way, though, i'm exhausted with the whole generic fantasy thing. Open world or no. After 20 years, it's become boring.


As for the Dwemer, I should clarify... The Golden Skin is only the most accepted answer to their disappearance. There are several others, including being transported to an Outer Realm or actually succeeding in achieving Godhood and escaping. There's even a hypothesis that they are the Amaranth.

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