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Need some help with Script


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I've made myself 3 guns a normal 44 magnum, a silent version and a scoped version, but what I'm trying to do is make an item that will let me chose the different guns and equip them at the same time, I have this script so far, it doesn't seem to do anything when I try it though:


SCN DurhamPistolScript

Short Button

Begin ScriptEffectStart

ShowMessage DurhamPistolMessage

Set Button to GetButtonPressed

If Button == 0
	Player.additem WeapDurhamPistolNorm 1 1;this is normal 44
	Player.equipitem WeapDurhamPistolNorm
	Player.removeitem WeapDurhamPistolSilent 1 1;this is silent 44
	Player.removeitem WeapDurhamPistolSnipe 1 1;this is scoped 44
ElseIf Button == 1
	Player.Additem WeapDurhamPistolSilent 1 1
	Player.EquipItem WeapDurhamPistolSilent
	Player.removeitem WeapDurhamPistolNorm 1 1
	Player.removeitem WeapDurhamPistolSnipe 1 1
ElseIf Button == 2
	Player.Additem WeapDurhamPistolSnipe 1 1
	Player.EquipItem WeapDurhamPistolSnipe
	Player.removeitem WeapDurhamPistolSilent 1 1
	Player.removeitem WeapDurhamPistolNorm 1 1


BEGIN ScriptEffectFinish

Player.Additem 00DurhamPistol 1 1;this is the pistol settings item



Thanks for the help guys.

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