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Also, you can have more than one companion, should you want one. My character has Carah as a companion, and also Fufu...a rabbit.

You may also want to get the mod that has the "Summon Companion" ring. Comes in really handy should you two get parted or if they get stuck behind something.

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The Ring of Companionship is also a useful additional mod, as some companions can end up fighting each other in battles. Give `em all rings and that doesn't happen. Also note that some companion mods conflict with the Cheydinhal (sp?) Petshop mod.
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Beware, missile and magic using companions don't care if you're between them and their target.


If you have a fairly potent companion, and you've ensured they have top notch bows for instance, you may wonder why mud crab battles leave you so wounded - until you vanity-cam and see all the arrows sticking out of you.

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I currently have at least two companions and often as many as six. The problem with the bigger group is negotiating small areas.


One thing to beware is certain companions will get in the way of your attacks, especially if you are a sword wielder as it seems swords cover a LOT of area, and will get angry with you when you hit them. Astrianna is one such companion, and as she starts at 45th level when she joins you, she is well capable of kicking your butt really fast. One trick I have used is to recast her Summon spell when she gets her panties in a bunch and that sends her back to her holding area.


If you only want to travel with one companion, and you want the experience to be extremely rich, then IMHO get Viconia.

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