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Wavy lines on all terrain & objects


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I'm getting this new visual bug where, about 10 feet around my character, the ground gets these wavy lines on it. If I go into an interior dungeon and cast a Candlelight spell the way lines affect is greatly intensified. At first I thought it was a return of the shadow stripping bug, but I don't think it is as I have the mod that fixes that. Any idea what could be causing this? Thanks!

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Thanks again for the help Renn. I run my settings pretty high. I probably did change my ini long ago as I used to experiment with all kinds of different ENB mods, however, I've been playing wihout any ENB the last few months as I decided I preffered silky smoothe performance over ENB effects. So, I've been experimenting with non ENB lighting overhaul mods. I'm currently using Realistic Lighting Overhaul and I'm pleased with it. I'll look into that mod and see if I can find what the shadow ini's should be set at. I'm at work now, so I'll have to do that later. Thanks!

Edited by CalibanX
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Sorry, OP, but this is not an easy one to fix. There are a whole host of .ini settings that affect the way shadows work. This "striping" issue is related to the completely inefficient way that Skyrim handles z-buffering, I believe. To tweak it away will mean DAYS of reading followed by more days of trial and error. The minute a mod affects the same settings (like and ENB or Realistic Lighting/Weather,) you can kiss your changes goodbye, as well. So mark down what works in case you lose the changes. On a further sad note, each individual graphics card running a certain driver version is going to need specific tweaks specifically for that card/driver set. What works for you will most likely only work for a handful of other people.


You can thank the coding that was done to optimize the game for consoles for this particular bug. It would take a complete re-coding of the game's shadow engine from the ground up to fix it for good. Just one of the quirks we all have to live with on the PC.

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