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Force player to open inventory


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Hey i know i can open the players inventory with the .openinventory(true) command ... but !!


im creating a round based combat system for skyrim at the moment and this function get calles when the player presses the button inventory..

my problem is it shows nearly every equippment the player got 2 times . And it makes the player able to duplicate the items by simply press give to actor since it opens the inventory like you do on your follower



is there any way to prevent that?

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While you can open the player inventory in that manner as you noticed it will duplicate the items. They aren't really duplicated as the player is being used as both container and player inventory. If you were to exit and open the inventory normally, the items should all be in the proper counts.


That said, I have a sure fire way to open the player inventory and not cause any anomalies like that. It requires SKSE tho. You may use it if you wish.




;necessary properties & variable declarations
GlobalVariable Property KeyAssign Auto ;default 23 = I -- SKSE feature
Int InvKey
;function to call inside of your event at the correct spot
InvKey = KeyAssign.GetValueInt()
Input.TapKey(InvKey) ; SKSE command to reopen the inventory

Note: You have to create the global variable and pre-assign it. The reason it is a global variable is for users. If a user changed their inventory hot key, they will need to use the console to adjust it.



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