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Deus Ex Antialiasing


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I have a GTX 660 GC, I've been trying to get real antialiasing working in Deus Ex Human Revolution for a couple days, but nothing seems to work. Even other engines with deferred lighting aren't this uncooperative.


I've tried supersampling and multisampling with various Nvidia compatibility bits. Only downsampling seems to work, and that burns a lot of performance for only a small decrease in the amount of jaggies. I'll use FXAA or MLAA if I have to, but the quality would be poor enough to make that a last resort.


Does anyone know how to get Deus Ex: HR working with antialiasing?

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From what I've heard the 660 genus, especially the GT and GTX are absolutely horrible cards. Codemasters recently put out an alert saying that none of their games work on 660 series cards and they don't even know why. They're not alone either-this problem effects numerous engines. For some reason 660s just aren't very compatible or reliable.

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From what I've heard the 660 genus, especially the GT and GTX are absolutely horrible cards. Codemasters recently put out an alert saying that none of their games work on 660 series cards and they don't even know why. They're not alone either-this problem effects numerous engines. For some reason 660s just aren't very compatible or reliable.


All the in-game settings and AA work fine. Human Revolution is normally incompatible with all sampled antialiasing, that's not a problem on my end. I'm just annoyed that I can't find a way to force it despite the deferred lighting.


Do you have a link to that information? Everything I've seen indicates that a GTX 660 GC outperforms the 570 and 580 with a lower power draw. In every game I own, my card has been rock solid reliable with high performance and excellent compatibility. Unless you can provide a source, your claim sounds a lot like random conjectures.

Edited by Rennn
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