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I'm considering buying Fallout 3


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I have way too many games for a man of my age. With that said, I don't buy every single game out there. I'm pretty selective. typically, I look for 3 major qualities. In priority order: 1. Realism. 2. Graphics and Immersion. 3. Exploration. If it's 'cartoonish' or silly or otherwise very unrealistic, I'm not interested. If the graphics are poor and no fun to look at, unless it's a fantastic strategy game, I won't care for it. And, if there's no where to go and places to see... boring.


When I look at the in game shots of Fallout 3, they make it seem as if this is a fully 'immersible', 360 degree, explorable and massive world with lots of city area and good graphics to boot. When I played Crysis I was disappointed to find the "invisible force field" walls in game when you've explored 'too far'. I was also a bit disappointed in the graphics of the faces of NPC's. I personally think that HL2 still today has some of the most REAL looking faces in game. It's not so much about the 'graphics' per se as it is the 'artistic illustration' of human life. Anyway, Bioshock, albeit not very realistic, was just too freakin' captivating. I'd have to give that game a 10 of 10 for immersion. A lot of fun. Wasn't too much of a 'hit' on my processor and graphics card either! But, it's not the type of game I usually opt for.


My favorites tend to be games like HL2, Mafia (seriously looking forward to Mafia 2!), MW and Oblivion (not so much for the spells, but rather the graphics and unrivaled exploration) and futuristic "inner city" games like Omikron, Hitman and Deus Ex.


So, if I buy Fallout 3, what would I possibly be disappointed in?

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I highly doubt you will be disappointed at all. Fallout 3 is my favorite game out there. I have it for the PS3 and now the PC, ever since I found out that no DLCs are coming to the PS3. The only thing that you may find irritating is the bugs/glitches. I rarely bump into any of them, and they usually aren't that bad. When it happens to me, either a car falls from the air into place, or a creature slings around in the air and launches off somewhere. I find it very entertaining and, so far, it hasn't affected my gameplay. Well, hope you buy it, and be sure to use the G.E.C.K.
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Selective, indeed. I believe Fallout 3 will fulfill your standards, in general. It has decent graphics (not as good as Crysis or some of the other graphical gorillas), is quite realistic, and there's a very large world out there to explore. Although every inch of it isn't exactly filled with many things to do. Sometimes it will feel rather barren (at least, it felt that way to me). In terms of immersion I believe it to be passable. Overall, it is a very good RPG.
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GET IT! even if you don't like the story the dlc makes it fun so don't be this guy -------> :wallbash:


(He wishes he'd got fallout instead of GOW and Fable2)


Oh dude if you liked deus ex your gonna fall head over heels in love with this game, I absolutely loved deus ex and am only having problems with those d*** priests cuz they won't let me marry fallout 3... Apparently two men can get married but a man and his game can't, WTF :verymad: I have the rings and everything... HAHA JUST KIDDING :biggrin:

But seriously man get it, also never ever talk to fallout about deus ex :ninja:

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