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A Request For a Scottish Item Set


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this has been sitting in the back of my head for some time already i have been looking all over the skyrim nexus for some scottish related gear and didnt find much so i am asking if someone would be interested in making this item set into skyrim i will place several images to show what exactly i would like to be made for skyrim i would like a great kilt like the one which is shown in the image but the tartan color could be blue(like in the first image) or red(like in the other image) http://www.mistythicket.com/ebay/scottish_great_kilt_tartan_11.jpghttp://sisterbrotherstyle.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/tartan.jpghttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/19/Sporran_004.jpghttp://www.coldsteel-uk.com/store/scottish-basket-hilt-broadsword-88sb.jpghttp://www.swordsandweapons.net/assets/images/sw677.jpg

Edited by dragonarei
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guys , your suggestions were good . but i guess i would have to wait , because so far seems like what was made , was not exactly what i had in mind . perhaps someday someone would pick up my suggestion for a mod , i would just have to wait and see :laugh: . the supposed kilts that are already in the skyrim nexus are just sloppy retextures ( no offence to the creators of course i respect everyones work :ermm: ) .

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Immersive Armors has an armor set with a kilt. That's the only thing I can think of as far as "Scottish gear". Just look at the 6th image or so. I think the creator also made a stand alone version of the armor.



It's called Viking Chainmail I think.

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Basic mesh is done, texture and details will take longer of course and i've got other stuff to do as well so it might take two or three days until i continue.



Edited by ghosu
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