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Help!! Magicka below 0!


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Actually -1755 :(

Has anyone had this problem before? Because I doubt there are many mods out there which can cause this particular issue. Can't upload pic of my mods right now (short of time), but if someone may have an idea of what's causing this (and/or maybe how to solve it!) it will be greatly appreciated.


Btw, I'm an altmer lvl21, sign the lady, if that can help too.

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Nope, not working, Thanks though. And it seems I'm done for, when I try to set manually the magicka value it gets even worse. For example, I used "player.setav magicka 0" and it went down to -1100 but if I try to use negative numbers it jumps to over -44000 (wtf?!).


I'll see if I can go to an older save. Also, can ini files from some mods adjust that too?


Also, I got another prob. I uninstalled Beautiful People 2.7, but still got black eyes, and even worse, when I go to create a new character it gives me the options for the BP races (tang mo, dremora, mystic elf) so I don't know what the hell is going on. I deleted everything from the meshes and textures folders! Help!

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deactivate all your mods and test each one at a time going down the list. takes a while but always works.

Also you should use Oblivion Mod Manager to install mods. Always. This is probably the reason you're having so many problems (unless you are already using it)


And for your magicka problem hopefully this does the trick.


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