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"Perfect" world?


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I don't think things like good and evil or yin and yang exist somewhere else than in the minds of people, so I don't think they have anything to do with a perfect world either.

What I'm getting at is that in a perfect world people are supposed to be happy. I don't mean they have to be in an everlasting state of complete joyfulness, but if people aren't happy, then what's the purpose of a perfect world anyway?

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Do not forget, that there are different views on a perfect world. Some may want more changes than others. For example, I consider a perfect world where everyone does not discriminate because of who they are, and im not talking about race. I know, others would have other reasons, but I have a humble view on perfection.


It can even be taken in an evil point of view where one might consider a perfect world where they dominate over everyone else. Someone might want everyone to bow at their feet, have all the riches, and mate with anyone who they desire. He or she might think like that and wake up every morning thinking, "what a beautiful day.


To sum it up, It depends on what an individual believes.

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kaganapan ay a sabihin ng intindihin. mapulot ganda di lahat hita hingin a madama ng sarili halaga. kanya madali sa makita ang ang masama at sa itama upon ito , manapa kaysa buhay hidden mahalagahin.



Perfection is a state of mind. Finding beauty in all things requires a sense of self worth. Its easy to see the bad and focus upon it, rather than lifes hidden treasures

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there are many things in this world that you can call perfect but yet in some other points of veiws they arent so perfect...like someone said(i dont recall who)but he said some people would like there to be no bees but if there were no bees then we would have a screwed up planet...or another example...im afraid of arachanids(i have arachniphobia)so one day i said i dont want spiders but my mom said that ur like 200 times there size + they catch insects such as mosquitoes and mosquitoes spread viruses such as westnial and kill you but spiders kill them...pretty much it's all how you think about it...


another fact is that we will never achieve a so called perfect world because its impossible...the reason for that is very explicit...humans have natures and feelings...nature because some people an be rash others can be blissful...it all depends.


Feelings:the reason im saying feelings is very explicit...we will never be happy always...





well to sum it all up...some people may say we live in a perfect world but we dont.its just impossible...i know some ppl may disagree but yet its just my opinion

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Very valid points made here. Simply put, good is not good without bad in the equation. Good + Bad = Balance. Balance - Bad = ???. As well as many reasons why there can never, ever be a perfect world. Everyone's view of the world is different, and with billions of different views on the world, there will always be imperfections, defects viewed by any single person. One's idea of perfection is not another's.
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Perfection seems to have some (harsh) meanings in my mind...


- Flawlessness

- Pure

- Absolute

- Complete


and some other meanings...


- Excellent

- Precise

- (about anything else you see as more positive, like beautiful, proficient.. etc.)


Still like any and all say: Its a matter of perspective, which is in contradiction with perfectness itself.

Like bben46 said....

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It's impossible on several levels. The biggest problem with people is, of course, people. As soon as the world becomes perfect it isn't anymore, because nothing isn't perfect, and even then, running on the average definition of perfect, a perfect world isn't just boring, it's really quite a difficult place to live in, or at least unusual. The c**p in life makes life what it is just as much as the good things, just like the c**p in people make people people, take it away from either of them and they're not the same anymore. Living without the other end of happiness is, arguably, not really living and, ergo, not perfect.
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  • 2 years later...

Perfection can't exist because we're imperfect. Besides, as in Code geass, Perfect = no flow of time. No movement. No death, no afterlife etc etc. A very stupid and boring world.

But since you're saying Perfectionism and stuff...:

to quote Stalin:

"All the world's problems are derived from man. Remove man, and there is no problems".

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