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I'm Pissed Off About Those Who Rate Modder's Work


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There is also the other Side. Users who rate every mod in the World with a ten. "I have given this File a rating of 109! There is no Download."


People who give the File a ten without even playing it once cheapen every "real" rating.


Is my rating only a mixture of ratings from Trolls and "Anti-Trolls"?

I guess we should overlook any Number there and look at the Comments: "This Mod is great, i especially like this Part, and the Shop and blabla..."


Better then a rating System anyways.


Yeah, ... I now asking myself if a rating system base on some "mini Expression" would be better ?

Something Like :


-This Mods Is Awesome,It doe's Exactly what its suposed to do...

-This Mod is Great, Lots of details and work involve...

-This Mods is Well Done, it only need a few lil fix...

-This mod is Ok, It need More work to Polish it...

-This Mod Need More Work...


Just an exemple of what a new rating system using expression would look like !

Personally, i would rather use/read these on mods then number...maybe a lil more complex expression would be needed... eniway's ! what you guys say ?

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The Rating System is obsolete for another Reason: People may Rate Mods because of personal Tastes. If i see the nth House mod with some things done i've seen for the nth time, it wont stay on my Computer for long. If its done well and and wont screw anything up, if there are no mistakes i'd give a ten anyways. Some People wont. I've heard People Complaining about House Mods with Ayleid design, where some NPCs live. If some People are living there, they would clean the Place up once in a while, so the Textures wouldn't look exactly like the Eons old Ayleid Ruin next door.


True that, but i like having to download a little less, rather then dl a million jiggabytes for Textures of which i mostly wont even notice the Difference.

Furthermore, no one likes making textures. Also, i like mods to be minimalistic so People wont have to download too many stuff.

Hard Drives are rather cheap nowadays, but you have to draw a line somewhere. I don't want my Oblivion Playerhouse to use up more data then the Rest of the Game.


Back to the Rating System: Some people may think about the rating they'll give you and give you something you don't want anyways, because they rate you for different Reasons. The personal Taste is one thing, another would be the lack of Pictures. Some mods got bad ratings because they don't have Pictures on them. I recently added a little mod which makes every Piece of Bound armor "heavy". Why should i clutter the nexus webspace with yet another useless Picture? The Armor doesn't look different, its daedric armor. And now all pieces are heavy armor. Maybe i should make a Picture of the armor pieces in the item window where it says "Heavy Armor" -.-




Some People may think that there are already too many Mods out there. Mainly too many Mods of the same type. There is a bit of a jungle out there with the Player houses. When they see yet another mod with a playerhouse, they'll give it a bad rating.

Personally i haven't found my perfect Playerhouse yet. The Ancient Towers thingy is a bit over the Top in my Opinion and i don't like it that you have to teleport all around, it's confusing. I still "live" in Skingrad but i have the mod installed anyway because it has some cool features. I rated it with a 10 because of the Work in there, which is bug free as far as i can see.

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Reaper, a link to the ImageShare section is next to the 'Forums' link on the main site.


I tend rate depending on a mixture of whether the mod does what it says, if it's well done and if I like the look of it.

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I'll only rate if I download, and I'll only download if I'm interested.


Usually the stuff I download works perfectly so I'll give a 10

Otherwise I won't rate at all until the modder has fixed his project since chances are, he/she's already been notified on what is wrong and what needs to be fixed and there's no need for my comments since I'd be repeating what everyone else said.


If the modder can't be bothered to improve the mod, I'll rate it based on how well it has been executed.

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This Mods Is Awesome,It doe's Exactly what its suposed to do...

-This Mod is Great, Lots of details and work involve...

-This Mods is Well Done, it only need a few lil fix...

-This mod is Ok, It need More work to Polish it...

-This Mod Need More Work...


problem one with this is many people don't know how to mod and when its not exactly what "they wanted" you'll get do this,do that,should have done..la la la


Second bad thing about this type of rateing system is that now your letting the children, trolls and other dolts write stuff. OMG, the moderators work hard enough as it is,this would be a disaster!!!


Look at the comments on some mods..would you really want a written rateing??? your mad now,how would you be then?

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Yeah, I guess you have a point there Dezdimona, it would definitly get all of us confused... i didnt see it that way...


EDIT, i just visit the "Image Share" section, i like the rating system there,

quite simple, but it does the job...you like you vote and give any comments, you dont like you dont vote... can't wait till this system is implented for the mods ! Two thumb up to Dark0ne to work on that !

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"The criteria for rating is simple but alas some of the butt holes that find it funny to act like children are themselves simple as well." - dezdimona


LMAO! Well put. Bravo!

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Trolls are on every board - that's the problem with having publicly accesable internet. you come across idiots who think they know what they're talking about when really they can't spare a second for thought because it's too filled up with sex, drugs, alchohol, or simple stupidity (the latter being the most common case I believe) to have coherent thoughts about how something is supposed to be done, how something works, and what an appropriate way of speaking to another person is (it's the internet, but still!)


As long as the net is public, we will have morons.


on a side not, I found the dumping site the Moderators have been using:


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I'd say that another one of those big issues with ratings is when people download mods, can't get them working because they don't know how to install mods, or have conflicts from installing dozens of mods at a time, and rate 0 because the mod is "broken".
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