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Bug with Blackwood/Fight Guild? >>SPOILER!<<


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Destroyed the Hist tree, killed Maglir [he hit me first], went back to Oryen, and instead of being pleased the Blackwood co. is out of business, he rages for a while, sends me to the old lady, who kicks me out and tells me I'll need 20 bear pelt to get back in the guild.


OK, but that's not how the walkthrough at UESP says its supposed to go: Oryens supposed to be pleased, give the helm of Oryen Bearclaw [i liked the version of that in Morrowind], and I get made guild head.


I do have a save, may try to get past killing Maglir, see what happens.


I thought I'd ask if this is a known problem with a workaround before I go to the trouble.

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It makes me nervous when a script goes awry: since I'd done everything 'by the book' but the game response was screwed up, I decided it was safer to load a save from just before I killed him.


This time, I snuck out [invisible] while he ranted. Got the correct responses.


Only cost about 20 minutes play time, no big.


Odd though, that they care when he'd already left the guild and attacked me first. The game script for this whole story line kind of sucked, like it wasn't really finished when the game shipped.

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