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Dense Nordic Forests vs ...


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I've been using Dense Nordic Forests for a long time now with Myrkvior (I only use the DNF esp) because I love how lush the forests are. I'm also using Alpine Forest of Whiterun Valley, City Trees and Immersive Fallen Trees. I suppose I'm a bit of a tree glutton and love to have literally as many trees as I can cram into the world space. I'm thinking though that I'd like to try something different and was hoping to get some opinions. I'm pretty committed to Myrkvior as; having tried pretty much every other tree replacer, I haven't found anything that's as suited to my taste. The trees look perfect, the animations are perfect... and I know there are many optional files (which I don't currently use) to fill out the forested regions but it's still not enough for me.


So... if anyone has a favourite that they feel like sharing, I'd really appreciate it.



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I find it so hard to choose trees for Skyrim, it feels like almost too much choice. I actually use Myrkvior myself currently, it's definitely a lovely mod, very thick and lush trees. Hard to say what mod is "best" but when multiple people in a row commend a mod it's gotta be up there.

But again wow there's so many. Even since using Myrkvior I'm always seeing more like Enhanced Vanilla Trees, Happy Little Trees, Nature of the Wild Lands, and those are just off my tracked mods list, there's probably more that slipped by me, and I didn't mention the half dozen older mods just ones I found since settling on Myrkvior.


By the way there's this little mod that changes Myrkvior's LODs, I haven't had the sort of free time to do a performance check or compare all the mods available already but that mod claims to offer more FPS while using Myrkvior's gorgeous models.

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I find it so hard to choose trees for Skyrim, it feels like almost too much choice. I actually use Myrkvior myself currently, it's definitely a lovely mod, very thick and lush trees. Hard to say what mod is "best" but when multiple people in a row commend a mod it's gotta be up there.

But again wow there's so many. Even since using Myrkvior I'm always seeing more like Enhanced Vanilla Trees, Happy Little Trees, Nature of the Wild Lands, and those are just off my tracked mods list, there's probably more that slipped by me, and I didn't mention the half dozen older mods just ones I found since settling on Myrkvior.


By the way there's this little mod that changes Myrkvior's LODs, I haven't had the sort of free time to do a performance check or compare all the mods available already but that mod claims to offer more FPS while using Myrkvior's gorgeous models.


It seems we have a very similar list! Thanks for the suggestions... I've tried all of them except for Nature of the Wild Lands which looks really awesome! The only reason I haven't used it yet is that it doesn't cover everything so I would have areas with beautiful trees and then areas with vanilla trees. Once it's 100% complete though, I'm definitely going to give it a spin! Even with the Youtube compression, the videos on that mod page look really, really good. And you're totally right about the amount of choices... it makes for a tough decision. I think I've gone through most of the popular ones though and after comparing, I always wind up going back to Myrkvior.


I actually use pretty much all of the related Myrkvior mods as well (the one you suggested, Morekvior, etc) and together, they do provide some stunning results... particularly when using full model LODs instead of Billboards. I just wish they added a bit more density. I like the thought of a Skyrim where I can (almost) get lost in the forest. I suppose I may be guilty of looking for change just for the sake of change... having used the same trees for probably the last 6 months or so.


I usually do a week or two of testing combinations when compiling a new LO so I'll be checking back here (constantly) for sure... I'll let you know if I come across anything that has the 'wow' factor I'm looking for.

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Fwiw, I saw a YT showcase video recently where they'd outfitted the install with all the more recent Blubbos tree/etc mods and it looked pretty good. I have the (now defunct) Blubbos Riverwood, and it really "transformed" the area (imo), so now I'm considering installing a bunch of the newer mods. There are apparently quite a few Blubbos tree mods that address different trees and areas.

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Fwiw, I saw a YT showcase video recently where they'd outfitted the install with all the more recent Blubbos tree/etc mods and it looked pretty good. I have the (now defunct) Blubbos Riverwood, and it really "transformed" the area (imo), so now I'm considering installing a bunch of the newer mods. There are apparently quite a few Blubbos tree mods that address different trees and areas.

I tried one of the Blubbo tree mods and you're right... they look awesome! I uninstalled it though because of the 'hula dance' animation. It's weird but it seemed like when I got closer to a tree, it would start to shimmer (that's the best description I can think of) and once I noticied it, I couldn't un-notice it. Have you tried Myrkvior? If not, I would suggest it's definitely worth a look!

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I've never seen this "hula dance" (presumably some moire-like interference pattern caused by competing light sources) you speak of with the trees so far. Perhaps it's a particular artifact associated with your setup, or a lack of one based on mine, idk...


Anyway, no hard decisions yet, I haven't installed any additional tree handlers of any sort quite yet (beyond what I already had "at time of writing")

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You could be right... my knowledge of the technical stuffs is somewhat lacking. Having said that... I've been using a good 80% of the same mods for quite awhile and if there is an interaction with the tree animations, they seem to mesh really well with Myrkvior as it's more of a gentle swaying... seems very natural to me. I sound like I'm trying to sell something here... hahaha. I may give Blubbo's another go. I'm still a day or two from finalizing my LO.

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