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ESO monthly fee


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Wait, you mean people are surprised that an MMO has an unreasonable monthly fee?


I've always been completely and entirely against the whole notion of MMOs. Unless the game itself is 100% free, I refuse to pay a monthly fee just for the privilege of being allowed to keep playing it. It's very little better than out and out robbery.


I agree. It seems like a monthly fee would be wasteful for someone like me who plays games inconsistently. One month I'd play constantly and another very sparsely. This is why I never bothered with MMOs.

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I don't really understand the appeal of an online TES game. This series has promoted single player experience and individual customization, especially since Morrowind, like few other games. Look how popular this Nexus is; people want to adapt a single player game experience to individual preference. That model appeals to me because I'm not an "everyday" game player, I usually can't schedule a cooperative/friendly MMO team session, and I don't want to pay for that "functionality" in a game. I like the moddable single player game scenario. I can sit down when I have the time and motivation to play. I actually enjoy modding the game to my personal preferences. And I don't don't have to follow (in large part) any over-arching requirements imposed by the game, or by player factions within the game. EVE is all about faction play; the setting is secondary. WoW was like that for a long time. I have no idea how teamwork/factions will effect play in TESO, but they are the primary appeal of MMO's. Sorry, I want to do it my way. Unfortunately, WoW killed off a great single-player game franchise. It would be pretty disappointing to see TES go only MMO as well. If it flops on launch, maybe Zeni-Beth will go back to their roots; good, open world, moddable, single player games. Currently, I have no plans to get TESO. However, I would stand in line to get TESVI. I'm sure a lot of fans feel the same. Whether there's enough of us to make it worthwhile from ZeniBeth's point of view is the question.

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I don't really understand the appeal of an online TES game. This series has promoted single player experience and individual customization, especially since Morrowind, like few other games. Look how popular this Nexus is; people want to adapt a single player game experience to individual preference. That model appeals to me because I'm not an "everyday" game player, I usually can't schedule a cooperative/friendly MMO team session, and I don't want to pay for that "functionality" in a game. I like the moddable single player game scenario. I can sit down when I have the time and motivation to play. I actually enjoy modding the game to my personal preferences. And I don't don't have to follow (in large part) any over-arching requirements imposed by the game, or by player factions within the game. EVE is all about faction play; the setting is secondary. WoW was like that for a long time. I have no idea how teamwork/factions will effect play in TESO, but they are the primary appeal of MMO's. Sorry, I want to do it my way. Unfortunately, WoW killed off a great single-player game franchise. It would be pretty disappointing to see TES go only MMO as well. If it flops on launch, maybe Zeni-Beth will go back to their roots; good, open world, moddable, single player games. Currently, I have no plans to get TESO. However, I would stand in line to get TESVI. I'm sure a lot of fans feel the same. Whether there's enough of us to make it worthwhile from ZeniBeth's point of view is the question.


Elder Scrolls Online is not going to put an end to the single player Elder Scrolls games. Bethesda said themselves that ESO will not affect later Elder Scrolls Games.

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Elder Scrolls Online is not going to put an end to the single player Elder Scrolls games. Bethesda said themselves that ESO will not affect later Elder Scrolls Games.



Right. I wonder what they would be working on if TESO wasn't in the pipeline? They are investing big bucks on TESO and there's only so much time, money, and resources to go around at Zenimax, and their subsidiaries. I'll wait for TES VI, until someone else grabs this opportunity and puts out a new open-world RPG while ZeniBeth works on a brand new venture.

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first, im a rookie in modding. second, when it comes to tes, im a veeerrrryyy old veteran. for me its not about the money, but some other stuff that p me off like hell.


first, momentum of your own game. with playing against some kiddos that game the whole day, you got no big chance. i always enjoyed tes for the choices that you could make, you could take your time, sometimes rush a stupid dungeon, or really enjoy the bigger ones... now its "who levels fastest"

second, seriously, can anyone imaging "the elder bugs" without an ability for modders to fix what their programmers f up? im talkin about stuff like "unofficlal patches".

third, in all older games you became the ultimate hero, the saviour, the big cheese. now? no guild boss, no dragonborn, no nerevarine, nothing.


fourth, and now we come to the money (how they will use it). does anyone really believe they will use the generated cash to improve the game? .. jeez, when i read that i laughed so hard i nearly peed my pants. nope, they will squeeze the last drop of milk out of that cow, older veterans will stay the f away from that game and hope for another sp-elder-scrolls, and because its got a huge name all those lonely kiddos will storm the game because all the old dudes say "elder scrolls rules". and they will pay, and pay, and not give a f about addons... announcing that one to be an online game was a wakeup-call for me, and as much as i love tes, i will skip this one.


could be worse, with "skyrim" we got good graphics and gameplay, and luckily you guys can mod the f out of it... HEY! ... i figured out how to make weapons myself!... WE can mod the f out of it!!! :smile:



EDIT: and mark this post here, because im pretty sure itll take 3 - 4 months MAX before they will start selling special armor / weapons / maybe more perks for real cash. mmo? i say f it.


EDIT2: i nearly forgot that one. hope you guys now about "SkyWind"? this is what im gonna game waiting for the next sp-tes. i hope those guys progress fast, and then ill take my badaxx-orc on a journey back to cyrodil and morrowind ... YAY! :cool:

Edited by chicky540
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I don't think MMOs are bad. There is no need to level up as fast as you can in most of them, unless you're playing on a PvP server. Then you're just asking to get farmed. In fact, a lot of them provide multiple paths to level cap so you have more replayability. I played them almost exclusively for roughly a decade. I just don't think that TESO is going to go over so well in the current MMO market with their model.


One of the last ones I played was The Secret World. It has good graphics, a unique leveling system that allows you to build any kind of character you want to play, very good voice acting that includes A list talent, and some of the best storylines I ever encountered in a game, MMO or single player. Despite all this, it remains a niche game even though you only have to pay once and can play it as much as you want.


Star Wars: The Old Republic sold over 1 million copies and had clocked over 60 millions hours of game time played by its players in just the first two weeks. It went free to play before the year was up despite having one of the best known and most popular IPs around.


I haven't really seen anything from TESO that stands out as an original concept to set it apart from other MMOs and while I could be wrong, I think it's mostly themepark in play at a time when many MMOs are trying to make the shift to sandbox after realizing that sandbox MMOs, like EVE, have much more staying power and retention of players. It kinda makes me think they're counting on churn which simply does not work and actually shortens the lifespan of MMOs that aren't F2P. Even on F2P MMOs, churn is not preferable to retention unless you're trying to do a pump and dump were you sucker people in to pay the box price and get a bunch of game time right away, only to let the game stagnate and do nothing to develop it since you're planning to shut off the servers a few years down the road.


At least they're not offering a lifetime subscription for it. Everything I've seen in MMOs says that offering one of those is a serious mistake on the part of publishers. It makes them a lot of money right off the bat but, leaves them scrambling for revenue a few months down the road and pisses off a lot of their customers because they no longer have the money to keep funding further development.

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I was honestly looking forward to this game, then I heard that there would be a monthly fee attached to it. Sorry, but I'm gonna have to pass on this one.


Now, if they come up with an option to pay for a full year instead of a monthly fee, and that yearly fee is at a reasonable price, then I might reconsider.

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You have to pay for an online game! There are no free games, either you pay up front or they try to milk you for money during the game, or they sell adverts in game.


I rather pay up front because that means they will not try to milk the game play, and it will keep away the kiddies.


and 15 a month is like what 0.50 a day if you can not afford that.... well stop playing and get a job.

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