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Skyrim CS ?


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Absolutely not. They are 2 completely different games and do not have anything in common. I am used to CS and specially the new CSE now as well, which you should use from now on, with my batches. I can add them here if you wanna use CSE as you will need them.


I started with Skyrim CK again a month ago, and was completely lost. You do things in a different way in that game and specially when we write scripts, which is dome in a language called Papyrus, which also differ a lot from Oblivion scripting. Some base stuff is the same but scripts are not saved in the esp as they are saved under Data/Scripts in Skyrim and have an extension of *.pse and the source files, the textfiles are *.psc if I recall right. To make a bloody simple script to work, I had to have help from the Skyrim modders, that did try to explain stuff to me and I did not understand a thing they wrote. I think it took them 2 weeks to explain stuff so I could understand it. It all have to do with the relations between stuff.


Scripts and quests, messages, messageboxes are objects in CK, and they are all properties, so they also need to be declared as properties. Well we do not get in deeper to this circus stuff as the penny did fall down 2 weeks ago only. I cannot say I have any control in Skyrim CK but I can at least make basic mods now and basic Scripts, with cross references.


Just peek at the pathing. We add dots in the path editor in Oblivion CS but areas in the Skyrim CK. I feel Skyrim CK differ more from Oblivion CS than Morrowind CS does. I think Oblivion CSE beats them all when it comes to make fast and simple stuff. I really hate the Object Window in Morrowind CS, which is built on TABS, instead of trees and the bloody Tabs changes vertical position when you use the, So damn frustrating.


Skyrim CK cannot be more foreign for an Oblivion Modder than the planet Pluto is for an Astronomer or a black hole.


CK = Construction Kit

CS = Construction Set


CK is so sensitive, that each version number of Skyrim, require special versions of CK. I did try to use the latest CL with Skyrim 1.5.97 and it crashed on start up. Fortunately there are player made patches for them, to get them working with 1.5.97 at least.

Edited by Pellape
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Thats cool. :wink: I do play Skyrim approx 3 days a week and I do have fun playing it as there are so many well made mods for it. I do not play the original quests much, just some then and then... It is also a good game to get ideas from. My 2 current Oblivion WIP's are based on 2 Skyrim Mods. Oblivion runs better and faster, no doubt and it is MUCH MUCH easier to mod. Funnier? IDK really. I like both but they are very different. What I dislike with Skyrim is the long time it takes to load it and load cells, but I guess that is my old hard drives and hardware setup causing it.


If you want tips on must to have mods and bugfixes for Oblivion, see my list here.

Edited by Pellape
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