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Anyone know how to add a BSValueNode in 3ds max? I add it as a dummy with this name but it disappears on export.

Easily added to nifscop. In the BlockList window, right-click on the NiNode to which you want to attach the BsValueNode. ->Node/AttachNode->Select BsValueNode from the list. Select the added BsValueNode - go to BlockDetails. Click on the txt icon in the Name column - name it with any arbitrary name. For example AddOnNode666. Go to the Value column and add the ID number BsAddOnNode from ck if this Node is needed for the light spot. Also, in order for addOnNode to work, you need to go to the BSX flag in BlokDetail, click on it and check the Addon checkbox. The direction of the light is controlled by Transform. Extend a little Node in the desired direction and rotate the axis towards that direction.In max, creating a bsValueNode doesn't make sense because it's a special type of node, not an arbitrary mesh name. You can only add empty nodes (if you need them for some reason), to which you then attach BsValueNode in Nifscop.
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Thanks for the reply. Yes, I knew how to do it in nifskope but was curious as to how it would be done in max. I wonder what tool Bethesda used, if not max for operation like this. Maybe they had a different version of the exporter. Interestingly enough, the nif importer will bring in the addonnode.

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Thanks for explaining that bit about the addon flag a bit clearer than what i read on another post....

It works great

I had it all done several times and couldnt see it in game till now...

Whick leaves the question..

How to adjust/edit the range and intensity ? is this done in Nifskope ?...Because i dont see any values for that. Or is it done perhaps in FOedit ?


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Okay, let's say you used AddOnNode106 for the light. The number 106equates to LightNodeWorkshopOmni01 in the Creation Kit. If you open it in the CK, you'll see it points to WorkshopOmniLight01. Now open that in the CK. This is where intensity and the like can be adjusted. As you know, you'll need to make duplicates to avoid messing with the vanilla files. Note: While you can add custom AddOnNodes, keep in mind that if another mod author uses your custom number then there will be a conflict.

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Okay, let's say you used AddOnNode106 for the light. The number 106equates to LightNodeWorkshopOmni01 in the Creation Kit. If you open it in the CK, you'll see it points to WorkshopOmniLight01. Now open that in the CK. This is where intensity and the like can be adjusted. As you know, you'll need to make duplicates to avoid messing with the vanilla files. Note: While you can add custom AddOnNodes, keep in mind that if another mod author uses your custom number then there will be a conflict.

Even if its a renamed copy ?(yes i know i have to name it accordingly in Nifskope as well )

If i give the it a new number like AddOnNode1106 will it still work if the nif is also looking for that name ?(value 1106)

Edited by greekrage
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Anyone know how to add a BSValueNode in 3ds max? I add it as a dummy with this name but it disappears on export.

Perhaps try setting one keyframe for the dummy before exporting. Although, I don't know if simply naming it BSValueNode will work. The only other thing I've exported from max (besides NiNode hierarchies, meshes and bones) that showed up in nifskope as it should are lights.

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The number will correspond to the number in the CK. I am not aware of list the cross references the CK names with their corresponding AddOnNode#. One may exist but I don't have anything bookmarked. There may also be a upper limit to the number used as I seem to recall reading that somewhere...maybe the CK wiki.

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Thanks for explaining that bit about the addon flag a bit clearer than what i read on another post....

It works great

I had it all done several times and couldnt see it in game till now...

Whick leaves the question..

How to adjust/edit the range and intensity ? is this done in Nifskope ?...Because i dont see any values for that. Or is it done perhaps in FOedit ?


In one of the threads here on the forum, Chuck Yufarly shared with us a tutorial detailing everything about making fo4 lighting fixtures.


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