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Presistence of envirnoment elements


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Hy folks!


I gues this is the best place to ask such a thing:

What I'm wondering is if I am to spawn some envirnoment elements (idk, planters, lamp posts, whatever... I have a mod that can do it, and have another which I can use to position them exactly where I want them) will they stay where they are or they going to despawn on cell reset just like lootable items do? Anybody has sure knowledge about this?

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Afaik, they will stay there *unless* something else normally autospawns into that location, or it's otherwise subject to "housecleaning"


I left a "large tent" and a fire pit somewhere way the F out there in the back lot of skyrim (beyond the invisible boundaries) long long ago (probably a year and a half, real time) and stumbled onto it a few weeks ago... still there.


However, if I was to place something into a respawn location like some player homes where food gets autodropped, I suspect it'd be gone, or it'd be likely to be gone, in short order. Whenever that specific housekeeping cycle rolls around. For some things (harvestable plants) it's game days, some things like vendors it's "overnight", some things like dungeons it can be months.

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Yea, I know of the housekeeping cycles... thing is what I don't know is if were to put some HF planters around on the exterior of my homes is that gona be cleaned up or not. Also wondering that if those would get removed, then how does CCs and mods like Camping achiev that their stuff to be presistent in the world even in the case of a cleaning on the cell.

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Understood. I use a mod that provides a garden hoe that allows you to plant anywhere (might even be the name) (within its limited set of plantables). Anyway, they have yet to disappear, no matter where I placed them, although I haven't tried anything "arcane" like planting the inside of dragon's reach... So I think it's possible in general. within reason.


Can't say re: "HF planters" What I used just puts a stock garden plot (the actual working plug) wherever you hit the ground with a hoe three times. It doesn't drop any containers along with it. Just a plug of soil. Again, probably.

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It sounds promissing atleast. I gues I just have to go ahead and bite the bullet... I was about to leave for Solstheim and do all and everything that can be done there before returning to Skyrim; I gues that will be enough of a time to test the theory properly.

Thanks for sharing your experience regarding the question!

PS.: If anybody has more solid evidence on the topic, especially if it is done with using Simple Mod Item Spawner (I will use Jaxonz Positioner for placing the things exactly where I want them to be), then still feel free to share.

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Fwiw, part my point, although not stated, was that you might look up that mod and see if it has the uncompiled scripts so you can get a handle on the underlying code (in case you're a programmer type)


I don't think you'll have much luck in separate cell dungeons like ruins and caves, but tbh, idk. Player homes, possibly NPC homes, "commercial buildings" and exterior locations seem the best choices


Anyway, you can easily call the object(s), then spawn it them in somewhere(s) and observe over the course of Skyrim time. No real cost other than dropping items where you want to test permanence. Problem is, with plantable containers, due to their scripted operation, I think adding them is well beyond a simple mesh/texture pair offered by additem or other facilities from dropping "primitives" into game.

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Well, that's part of my greatest issue when I'm facing something I'd like to be able to do with my mods/game and there is no mod that does it (or atleast the ones that do are too complicated and wan't me to download a buttload of other dependencies plus also mess up a bunch other things I DON'T want to be changed)... I don't know crap about programing and all the other fancy depts of modding, my knowledge stops with (partially) manually installing mods and personally handling my load order. And with working 6 days a week in night shifts only you can gues how much time/will I have to learn all those things :laugh:


...if just there would be an alternate of the mod SSE Craftable Hearthfire Planters ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/31193 ) but rebuilt to use the system of the CC Camping instead, I wouldn't even start this topic in the first place.

Edited by Lyrik89
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