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Ability to Go Prone and Hold Breath on shots


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So i honestly don't know the first thing about editing animation options, but if there was an option to have your charcter lay down, that would be great.


My idea is that if you are sniping you could lay down to further steady your aim and have a higher percentage chance of critical hits.


Also, i think if a character is in the prone position it could add a temporary sneak bonus to avoid detection when enemies are walking by.


Maybe the trade-off could be that if you are detected while prone then if an enemy melees you before you stand up then you take additional damage. (You are getting slashed in the back after all)


One last idea, i think there should be an option to hold your breath on shots to temporarily have completely straight aim. (Like Call of Duty) Have it suck away your AP points super quick, but with a fast regen.


I think this would be a fantastic addition to a great game, and i think that laying down to hide yourself would be an important ability in the Wasteland.

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Because a "pose" is easy.

Turning it into a completely usable fighting pose like crouching, Adding weapon holding animations, shooting animations, getting hit animations, movement animations, apart of taking an enormous amount of work for the animations themselves, simply cannot be done (cant add a second crouch, hardcoded).

And even IF you managed to get by that, you still have simplified collision boxes on 99% of the things on fallout, meaning, you'll be shooting the floor even while your gun is aiming at the foe.

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Short and simple.


If you are lucky enough to even find anyone willing to do this, its still impossible as most of what you have suggested is hardcoded; this means that it cannot be altered, not in anyway I have seen anyway.


The only people capable of making this mod would be Bethesda Soft themselves!

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*tsk tsk tsk*

Shame on these people, takin' your dreams and kicking them down..

I for one support this idea, even if there is a slim chance it can be done. Then again, i'm pretty open minded.

I find it funny though how someone can define an ideal as "impossible" when they in fact can be done. Drivable vehicles? Said it was impossible, but there are mods that prove them wrong.


Anyways, I hope somehow some *smart* person finds a way to do the prone thing, and I hope they re-continue the sniper breath mods.

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Problem is the wide amount of threads asking for it over and over and over and over. About 5-6 threads a week. It grows annoying.


Prone position would just take waaay too much work to even get close enough to see how to deal with the many engine limitations it collides with. Would you dedicate weeks of your time to make the animations when in all likeness your bullets will hit the ground due to simplified collision boxes?.

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A prone firing position is completely possible.

The problem is that it goes much farther than the animations for laying down, crawling, getting up, shooting, etc.

You also have to make the projectiles fire from the prone position, etc.


The fact is that it's a LOT of work with very little return.


Don't get me wrong, I'm all for a prone position mod, but it doesn't look like it'll be done any time soon.


And in my opinion, I couldn't care less if it screws up VATS, I barely ever use it anyway.



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