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NetImmerse and NDL


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I was looking for a site that would detail what NetImmerse is, and discovered that NDL (What's that stand for?) is now providing an engine called Gamebryo (which appears to have FULL support for Maya!), which appears to be what Firaxis' (the Fiery Axis of games, I think their tagline is) Pirates! uses. Their homepage appears to be entirely devoted to http://ndl.com/elements/logos2.gif.

Does anyone have a URL detailing the NetImmerse format?


EDIT: Noticed this-" Gamebryo S|T provides plug-ins that integrate virtually seamlessly with Discreet 3ds max and Alias Maya."

Is it possible that one could convert Gamebryo formatted files into NIFs?


Edit 2: OOPS. Thought Maya was a free one. Figures, I guess.

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Hm, this looks interesting. Too bad Maya's even more expensive than 3dsmax so it isn't likely to do much to open modding to more people.


To answer your question, gamebryo = netimmerse = Morrowind, if I remember right. Morrowind uses a modified version of the engine, so I don't know if it would be compatable with what you've posted here.

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