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A simple to do Race


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alright, I look over the nexus files a lot. I mean A LOT. and a trio of things have really appealed to me and I would like to see them put into oblivion, as they are just modder's resources right now (well, one of them not so much... but still) and would like to see them added together. everything's already a modders resource and such, so there should be no trouble with getting the meshes and things themselves, just download them off the links I give and give credit, but I really want this packed into one character


basically what I'm looking for is an imperial skinned race with horns as well as being usable with the Short Layered hair. That's all


This would be a half-dremora race (done before, I know, but I like the idea I present with this version), so it would have a bit of fire resistance, maybe 25 or 50, skilled in blade and heavy armor. However, the twisted nature of a crossbreed should result in a bit of a low personality (maybe 30 or 35) despite being half imperial. Perhaps a little skill as an armorer?


so... anybody willing? I don't think it would be that much work, but I've been wrong before

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something like this?


Be warned, this is my first attempt at a mod - it works fine for me, but... *shrugs*


Basically, an Imperial, that can use that hair, and horns, and modified stats (kept in line with vanilla race balance)


Hopefully its what youre after, and it works. And I hope I uploaded it right (knowing my luck, i stuffed it up)

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