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"Hello my friend. Stay a while and listen."




I'm a big fan of horror-rpg type games, and I think it would be AWESOME if someone tried to do a remake of Diablo 1 in Skyrim. Especially due to Blizzards massive f*#@-up of Diablo 3.

Diablo 1 is essentially a long dungeon crawl, with a bunch of miniquests such as "The butcher, Poisoned water supply and The anvil of Fury".


So how about this:

When you reach lvl 3, you are approached by a courier, carrying a letter from Ogden in Tristram, requesting that you come home. There is a carriage leaving from Falkreath that you can take.


You are then transported to Tristram: http://www.google.no/imgres?imgurl=http://budegawifi.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/tristram.jpg&imgrefurl=http://budegawifi.com.br/diablo-1-historia-e-detalhes/&h=2525&w=4733&sz=364&tbnid=A9GpZH7tofJ0qM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=169&zoom=1&usg=__GPuFs0E_xI8PVe9DdKMVRObVvS0=&docid=1zy3kEQnUYV0DM&sa=X&ei=0INtUu_lFMbt4gTViYCQAw&ved=0CDsQ9QEwAg


Upon speaking to Ogden you get the quest that leads you to the desecrated church on the edge of town.


All the original audio-files can be found here: http://www.diablofans.com/topic/23440-diablo-i-music-cinematics-and-speech-files/

Original monsters and creatures: http://diablo2.diablowiki.net/Diablo_Monsters


Anyone else interested in this?

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  On 10/27/2013 at 10:34 PM, Thelargir said:

Well, the graphics arent really THAT great.... :tongue: I played it 1 year ago though.

It's just that why would somebody waste their time remaking a game that already exists? It would take A LOT of work and it will never be as good as the original since the Creation kit is so limited and basic. Porting content like sounds is also illegal so the creator would have to remake all of that from scratch. Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't think Skyrim is the right medium if you want to remake the game with better graphics...

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There is a mod called The Cathedral that does something like that, but it and the maker got banned from the Nexus for uploading copyrighted sound files without permission.


You can get it at Steam Workshop though. For the time being.


As I suspect you know.



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I'm actually replaying Diablo 1 (with Hellfire) right now. This does sound like a good idea, although for me, Skyrim is more about the non-linearity, and Diablo is extremely linear.


Having said that, I just checked out the Steam Workshop, and yes, that Cathedral mod is still up there! Thanks for sharing. :)

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It's a cool idea. Skyrim is very versatile even without mods, and you can easily play between high and low fantasy which makes it easy to play like you're in the Conan world or something more like final fantasy. I think there could always be more nightmarish creatures, relating to the occult and symbolic of the fearful demons that actually make people want to pray.


My only question is this: Why make it diablo? Firstly, copyright BS makes it pointless, but secondly, diablo was just an exploitation of horror themes and it was limited by its time. A great game sure, but you could appeal to so much more if you only took the concepts and motifs you liked and went in your own direction. I would love to find a desolate village that's been simply destroyed only to find out it wasn't a dragon but some menacing and dark monsters from beneath the ground.

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I didn't know about that "Cathedral"-mod! Thanks :D


As for the "why":


I think Skyrim lacks when it comes to real horror-elements. Such as the blood and gore that can be seen in different places in Diablo. Also, I found the atmosphere in Diablo 1 especially creepy and interesting due to the different tomes you can find, where you learn about things like the Sin War, and the chamber of bones.


I just think Diablo 1 is a good premise for a gritty, low fantasy mod for Skyrim.


Its probably mostly because of nostalgia, but I still think Diablo 1 is one of the best Horror-RPGs made. (Not sure if "RPG" is the right term, but whatever).

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Check out Tristram in Skyrim. It's as close to a remake you're going to get. It doesn't use any blizzard assets. The composer of the music worked in a popular d1 mod, the hell. The most up to date version is on their community forum.
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