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Cam changes for 1st and 3rd person view


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First person view with torso/ Third person view adaptation


Have any of you ever considered a mod that allows us to see the character a little bit more than nothing?

In crysis one can see the forearms, part of the torso and legs (when looking down).

It's a shame SKYRIM doesn't show a thing because there are so many armors and so many mods with some many more ! When you improve the armors quality by mods you can only enjoy the NPCs (and yourself as the rarely 3rd person view)


Talking about third person, have you ever noticed that this cam mode has got an intense range. I'm thinking in a mod with a more "steady camera" if you know what I mean. A closer cam to the character that makes the third person view mode more pleasant, something similar to the 3rd person shooters nowadays.


I leave this idea for you guys !

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