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Script question/help


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I have the following script and it works/complies just fine, but I want to place another item; specifically a food item (Editor ID - "FoodChicken"). Can you not define a food item with a property? I can't find a property that allows me to select this item from the drop down list. Can I do this in another way? Thanks.


Here is my script:


Scriptname ItemPlacementScript extends ObjectReference

Message Property OptionsMenu Auto
ObjectReference property xMarker auto
Ingredient property SaltPile auto
MiscObject property Leather01 auto

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
If akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer()

Function OpenMenu(int aiButton = 0)
aiButton = OptionsMenu.show()

If aiButton == 0
ElseIf aiButton == 1
xMarker.placeAtMe(SaltPile, 1)
xMarker.placeAtMe(Leather01, 1)

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Potion property FoodChicken Auto


Food is found under Potion in the Magic section of the CK. That's also how it gets those effects when consumed...


Just another shining example of the labyrinthine nature of the CK and papyrus, I guess...

Edited by Vamyan
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