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Scripting question/help - Item Array


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I don't know if anyone can help me out, but I am trying to create an array that holds the values of 10 items. I want the script below to select one of the 10 items at random after a menu option is selected and place the item on the floor. Thanks for any help/suggestions.



Scriptname RandomItemArray extends ObjectReference

Actor Property PlayerREF Auto
ObjectReference property ItemPlacementMarker auto
Message property OptionsMenu Auto
FormList Property ListOfItems Auto

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
If akActionRef == PlayerREF


Function OpenMenu(int aiButton = 0)
aiButton = OptionsMenu.show()

If aiButton == 0 ; Cancel Button
ElseIf aiButton == 1

Int RandomNumber = Utility.RandomInt(0,9)

Int iIndex = ListOfItems.GetSize()
While iIndex
iIndex -= 1
ObjectReference RandomItem = ListOfItems.GetAt(iIndex) As ObjectReference
If RandomNumber == 0
ElseIf RandomNumber == iIndex
ItemPlacementMarker.placeAtMe(RandomItem, 1)


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so... move the objectplacementmarker to where you want the item to appear before you place the item... unless it's already there in a static location... check your papyrus log to see if you're getting any errors?

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I just realized you are the one that helped me the other day with my other question. Thanks!


I am trying to convert my lengthy "if/then" based script to a shorter array based script. The script you saw the other day works perfectly, but I am running out of space in the script. I hit line 621 and can no longer type/paste anything.

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