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New Vegas: Brave New World Mod Feedback


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Brave New World is over 2 years old.


During that time the mod has received a lot of welcome praise but also some criticism, the latter often not being all that constructive or specific.

I would like to know, out of all of the NPCs that were revoiced, who, in your opinion, has sub-par audio quality?

I'm not hugely interested in whether you dislike a particular voice/accent given to a character (that's subjective), but I am interested in whether you felt some audio had too much sibilance, pops, clicks, distortion, etc.

I'm speaking only to the audio quality here. The rest is irrelevant to me as not even I was sold on every decision.

I'm looking to revise things where possible and update any patches towards the end of the year, so now is your chance to speak up.

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Have only been playing with Brave New World for the first time this playthrough and I'm only through to Boulder City, but off the top of my head, Lt. Haggerty was one of the few that jumped out at me as having lower quality audio. Not by a huge margin, but it felt noticeable enough.
I know you don't care to hear it, but I'm personally not a fan of the Ranger Jackson recast. Otherwise I've been loving the mod. Top-tier work. In particular the guy running the bar at the 188 blew me away, fantastic voice acting and sound quality.

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A few people have been irked by Ranger Jackson's new voice, saying "it's cringe" and all of the other tiresome, uninspired buzzwords -- usually because of the Southern accent.

Maybe Southern US accents make some people apprehensive for some reason. I don't know. I can only speculate. I've never figured it out, and they've never explained.

It's up to Dracomies to make any recasting decisions. Personally, I like Jackson.

If folks would provide examples of sound signatures that they think would be better suited for an NPC, that'd help - like post a video of a film/game character or something.

At least we'd have a shot at being on the same wavelength, even if we don't make a change because of it.

Haggerty's original raw audio wasn't great. I did what I could with it. But i'll add it to a list of possible revisions.

Some people have said that some audio is too quiet. Everything was tailored to vanilla levels (except where shouting occurs, which I increased by a dB or two).

Mod users must be sure that their audio is set to default vanilla levels. We can't get a complete or accurate picture of their issue if they don't, and I know for a fact that some don't.

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People complain about the southern accent? Lol, that's weird. Nah, my issue was that I just didn't find the gravelly tone the actor put on very believable.


As an aside, any plans to revoice the character Roy, met during the GI Blues quest? Really feel like his voice does not fit his old and weary face. that's if you're using the scripted revoice only version, though. I haven't tried the BNW faces rework, maybe that fixes it. NVR2R sure doesn't. Maybe NVR3R does. Anyways thanks for all the hard work, the mod is incredible.

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Some more nitpicks found as I play. Otho, at vanilla audio settings, strikes me as too loud in comparison to other characters, but the quality is still good.


Lucius and Antony also both strike me as a little muffled in comparison to other voices. On top of that, Antony's voice actor seems kind of all over the place in terms of what voice he's trying to do for the character.

Edited by TheGreatLordFireraven
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These are helpful, folks. Thank you. Any changes will be considered and, if feasible, dealt with at a later date. I'm busy with the SG2K remasters at the moment, but keep the feedback coming.

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