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musket for hunting dirty mages.


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my brothers in elder scrolls. we live in a universe where there are gundamns, robots of many shapes & sizes, time traveling cyborgs, airships, c4, and cannons. so can anyone tell my non magical ass why am i still using a flimsy bow and arrow to shoot mages.


i request a musket mod so orcs, nords, redguards, and even bosmers can put all the magic users in their place. were not the neanderthals from arena and daggerfall. we have the technology, we can make this happen.

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I went to an EB Games store when Fallout 3 came out. The salesman remembered that I'd bought Oblivion and said "It's a bit like Oblivion but with guns". I decided not to go into the analogy of 'ye medieval nuclear bomb', considering naturally occurring fission and so on. I should stop rattling on and get to the point.


If the model is a musket but the weapon type bow, it can fire ammo that looks and travels like a bullet.


Having made bows, it seems that Oblivion auto applies the draw animation based on the origin - this could be a problem for the musket. I think the idea would be to test some short, medium long primitives then decide where to go.


I've got a few things on but if you provide some images I'll have a go at it as and when.

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ill be honest, i dont know what type of pics you want, but going off how the anology of "fallout is like oblivion, but with guns" i did some looking at muskets on the fo3 (no luck) and new vegas for muskets just too see what they did.


one gentleman made this musket mod, looks simple enough. as far as the bow animation goes im not gonna be too worried about it, shooting in 1st person still makes it look like your 2 handing it.


the refrence he went off of: https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQTVyef1V1UM_6r_g94ExkenJyIBMtCX0DSJNLqdEClDC3kWrOd




the musket mod in question (i dont know how to post pics, but he took some good screenshots): European Arquebus Matchlock Musket at Fallout New Vegas - mods and community (nexusmods.com)

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Glowplug. you might have a point there. One example is the Crossbow, where Morrowind and Skyrim, both have crossbow animations, but the Crossbow mod available, uses the bow. That mod is therefor rather pointless.


Nice pictures.

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