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better idea

Draugluin the werewold king

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okay this mod is for all those necromancers who thought they were getting screwed while playing morrowind.


if people hate necromancers why isnt there a secret guild?


Necromancers Guild

when you select Necromancer as your class at the start of the game the game will change so now Sorkvild the Raven, Goris the Maggot King, and Crazy Batou and maybe a cuople Daedra will give you guild quests. New Weapons new NPCs and you get your own gothis looking Necromancers Tower with a couple of Minions. People won't like you as much and guards might attack you randomly on the street.


Respond if you have anything to say about the idea and if you would want to take part in the mod.



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If you are looking to set up a team this is in the wrong place. Moving.


BTW there are a couple of necromancy mods already available. One is The Illuminated Order'. I don't think they address your subject but you might want to check them out.

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