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Make Horcuxes to Become Immortal?


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So I know there are some immortality and death mods out there but those aren't my cup of tea. However this might be okay and would certainly be nostalgic of the Harry Potter fandom where I got this idea from. But to avoid copyright infringement you'd have to change the name maybe to something like a Soul Anchor or something from the Dawnguard DLC. Basically the concept is to copy Horcuxes that Voldermort made and that to make them you have to kill a certain amount of people in cold blood (e.g. NPC's or followers so follower mods could work if you don't wanna kill vanilla people) like in the Dark Brotherhood quests.


Then you have to do some ritual or spell that uses that murder to make a Horcuxe. However the more people you killed the stronger the change that you'll stay alive and the more powerful you will be when returned. Say you only make one or two Horcuxes, then you will lose some skill points maybe. But if you make all six or seven you will not lose a thing. Then there will be no point in save games unless there is something you specifically want to change. Still I think this would be an interesting idea for dark characters especially vampires, DB's, werewolves and the likes. Any thoughts folks? I would love your opinion on this matter as I can't mod to save my life!! :smile:


P.S. The Horcuxes would have to be objects so you'd ideally have a spell to cast on the dead NPC. Then you get another one or the same one to cast on the object you intend to make into a Horcuxe. You have to keep the Horcuxes safe though because there is a chance that they could be destroyed by random radiant scripted NPC's maybe. Or just a message will pop up and say you soul fragment is destroyed. Then you are stuck cause I don't know if it is possible to make more Horcuxes than seven. One other thing is that you could also store Horcuxes in animals like Voldermort's snake though in this case they would probably be your horse or pet dog, lol. Unless you have a pet mod installed and I haven't seen a snake mod like ever. Discuss!

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