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Roomiez Rantz


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aaaaaaahahahahaha. That story about the chicken really cracked me up. Thank you for a really good laugh. The mental image was hillarious!


You know first hand, where the phrase "Running around like a chicken with it's head cut off" comes from :wink:

As a child tho, I can imagine that it would be quite the scare!


Another rant. She nags me every, every single time that I might leave the house (even just to step out for a smoke....which I have to hear an earful about as well) in regards to not locking the door when I go.


Both of them, left for work today, so when I woke up, I was the only one here at the house.

I go downstairs, to raid the fridge, walk into the kitchen, and what awaits?

The back door is WIDE OPEN, and the screen door is unlocked. :dry:



I swear.


Have any of y'all ever had a room-mate that you just wanted to go to the pet store, buy up a dozen or so pet mice, and just let all of them loose in that person's bedsheets??

That's EEevvilllll. (can I borrow that idea? :smile: )


I live out in the sticks, I don't think I have locked my door in ten years...... :D


Ok, maybe for a couple days, after the folks escaped from prison, and were reported in the area..... (kept my guns loaded, and handy as well.)


Of course you can! But.

If you record the shrieks, you gotta share :wink:

Yeah, I miss living out in the country. Miss it a hell of a lot.


PSssshhhhh! I can't even buy a BB gun here in NJ :mad:



What?! I was living in a cabin in Lincoln, Montana. A 12 year old could buy any hunting rifle or pistol as long as they had the money. I know because I lived in that mountain town long enough to become acquainted with the place and all it's people.


I moved back to the city just in time to avoid getting acquainted with the Unabomber. He moved into a cabin a few miles from the one I was living in almost the same day I moved back to the city. He was one of those people whose whole family had a brain disorder. If you're born with it, so are your brothers and sisters because it's a defect in all of their brains. His parents have it, grandparents too, and even further back all his ancestors had it to some degree.


It's a defect. It's not a disease. A disease of the brain could cause the neurological damage that could make it, but not likely. Maybe drinking Ever Clear or Wood alcohol could cause that kind of brain damage. But brain damage like his family has is in a specific area of the brain so it wouldn't likely be caused by anything external. It would have been passed down all through the ancestors to the present children. A DNA imperfection.


Living in a cabin or the country is overrated, unless... Didn't you have to work??? I built a weapon that was legal for a child to have. I won't tell you what it is. I'll let you figure it out. Being's that you're country born and raised like me, you should be able to figure out what I am thinking about.


As for the mouse invasion! Make a short movie and take it to the Telluride Film Festival. May as well see if you can become a great movie director/producer/cameraman. A horror movie, just in time for Halloween.

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