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How do I make a screenshot story?


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I took a bunch of screenshots that I put along as a story, but I have no idea how to upload them as a screenshot story like some of the ones I have seen where there are several pictures with text in between, all within one screenshot link. Do I need to be a member to do this?

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Well, you already are a member. Think you mean Supporter or something, but no, this is not necessary for what you're intending either.


In theory you upload all your pictures to some place first (you could upload them at the Nexus as well in some kind of hidden mode so they won't appear in any lists and you need to link them directly to view them, but that's not advisable for read-below reason), then you upload the first/main picture of your story to the Nexus, and you put all other images into the description through the "img" tags of BBCode.


Lacking all buttons and preview on the file site you can prepare your description with proper BBCode and preview here in the forums without posting them, then copy&paste them into your description field on the file/image site.


However, there was a debate whether such pictures in image descriptions will have to be removed and replaced with links some time ago already, and as soon as the site is done with the big maintenance you can rest assured they'll be back at it again. In past some people abused this system with posting hundreds of images in one image description, thus the page became very slow loading, and the worst of them even hosted all the pictures here at the Nexus, thus causing the image servers to crumble with hundreds of simultaneous requests just by opening a single page.


So better don't rely on this images in descriptions feature even remaining available for too long.


They were already discussing an 'alternate' approach to multiple images and 'picture stories' hosting as well back then... but let them finish the site/server maintenance business first.

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