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Closed shop bug won't go away


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So I found the culprit. It was the Oblivion_Character_Overhaul_Faces.esp. I forgot that this thing has sub packages that you have to sort through in wrye bash. Now I just need to figure out how wrye bash actually works because I try doing what tutorials show and when I try to load a zip into the installer tab it never shows the sub-packages like it's supposed to.

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I have used Wrye Bash and before that, Wrye Mash, for 17 years. I never had any issues with creating the Patch. Make sure it is last in your Load Order. Some mods like MOO is put after the patch and I see you you not use it.


Take a look at my list how you can make the game work better: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/155637-list-list-of-mod-lists/page-6&do=findComment&comment=110211033


Well when it comes to the doors, the first thing that struck me was the KeyChain as well. As the Shop owners must have a key to their door if they will be able to lock and unlock it. OOC2 should not have anything to do with doors and keys really.

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