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Limb Damage - Perk or Ability


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I'm trying to look the effects up for a specific limb damage, like Wounded Head, Crippled Left Arm and such.

I thought they'd be under Perks or Spells but I can't find any sources.


Can someone lead me in the right direction?

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If need to cripple something specific, then shoud severly damage corresponding limb health AV by a mgef or script, like PerceptionCondition, LeftAttackCondition etc., for example LegendaryOnHitCrippleScript.


If need detection, then OnCripple() event, or check limb AVs == 0 by Conditons.


ps. Well, by the way. I've seen live dismemberment caused by actors whose outgoing Limb Damage is nullified, is combat dismemberment independent from limb damage then?

Edited by hereami
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Update: Sadly you can't do this silently. I wished I could add weapon sway.

But by using reducing LeftAttackCondition via Ability/Perk you are just permanently crippled.


And always have this annoying flash animation running on your right side of the screen

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I see, dunno. Concussion is IMAD. Maybe keywords like ActorAttackInjuredLeft/Right could do? They're used by Weapon Subgraphs, but i can't see them be used in 1st person. Not sure what "injured" state is exactly, is that different to cripple or not.

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