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The new flu


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In New Zealand we are up to 34 with the flying pig flu and 400 odd in quarintene. we are at yellow alert so well see what happens :confused:
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Good news now only 10 odd with the flu the rest that had it have been given a clean bill of health and released. 400 still in quarentine though
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FYI - Masks are BEST used by the people that are infected to drastically reduce the spread from coughing and sneezing. It is only minimally helpful for those that are healthy to wear a mask. As previously stated, healthy people just need to avoid large gatherings of people and wash your hands...especially before eating or rubbing your eyes...touching your face.


And yes, it is utterly useless to slaughter pigs since the virus has already crossed over to humans. If the virus could not pass from human to human, then the slaughter of infected batches would be a good idea. But since it is now contagious between humans, it is a mute point.


If you are very old or have very young children, it would be wise to shelter and provide extra care for them until a vaccination can be made available if there are confirmed cases near your area. Example, when going shopping for food, do not take the entire family, only a single adult with a portable hand wash gel to clear off any germs obtained from touching public places such as carts (very nasty) and restrooms. Stay away from public water fountains.


Again, this is all precautionary type things to do if confirmed cases are in your area and before a vaccine can be made available.



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I was referring more to the huge panic its caused throughout the entire world. Bird flu caused an even bigger panic than this has, but how long has it been since you've heard that mentioned? Only 10 people have actually been confirmed to have died from this particular strain of flu (as of the 1st of May anyway) - every other death is merely a suspected case. And as hundreds of thousands of people die from the flu every year, chances are most, if not all, are completely unrelated to this new strain.


I admit I wasn't massively clear though, I wasn't mocking the flu itself, more the global reaction to it. Sorry for any offense caused.

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Just to lighten the mood, here is a flu virus joke for ya :biggrin:


You all must know the designation of the virus, the number that it has (h1n1). Heres the joke, my friend calls it the Hini flu, get it :biggrin:


anyway its a sirius matter thousands of people have died from the hini flu :biggrin: ok, ok, the swine flu, i still think hini flu is a better name for it.


i know its a bad joke lol

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This flu seems to have the same mortality of the normal one and it can be easily cured, if it is done properly and fast.

I think the media bigged up the thing to make the scoop and to let pharma industries invent and sell the vaccine

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