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New Game Start - NPCs Not Moving & More


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I just installed many new mods after several months of not playing Skyrim. As expected, when I launched Skyrim and started a new game, there were issues. I have ran BOSS and have tried disabling certain .esps that might have caused this problem (I might've missed some, though), but nothing has worked so far. Basically, the character models aren't moving. They're in that Vitruvian Man mode, if you know what I mean. So everyone that's in the carriage is just clipping through it near the front (see screenshot). The carriage horses are able to move, though, and when they get to the Helgen gate they just crash into it, because there's no one to open it I guess. It's kind of funny, actually.




Anyway, I figured I would make a thread here, just to see if I'm doing something incorrectly or if anyone has an idea what could cause this. Here's my load order:



Edited by Xmayne
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That almost sounds like collision is turned off...


Have you tried typing tcl in the console? I'm not sure how it would get disabled unless you manually do it yourself but it's worth a shot :)

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I tried the "tcl" command and nothing happened. All it did was stop the carriage from moving. But thanks for the reply, I appreciate it.

I recently realized I didn't actually install Immersive Animations with all of the prerequisite mods I had to install before hand. I thought that would solve my issue, but it didn't. Still have the same problem.

Everyone outside of the carriage acts the same way. If type "tfc" in console to go into the free camera mode, I can see Tullius, Hadvar, and every other NPC just standing in the vitruvian mode. That's how I took that screenshot above, actually. They can still blink and breath, however. Any horse that isn't attached to a carriage is just standing and chilling, although they are able to move their heads and necks around, unlike the humanoids.

Could this have to do with the XP32 Maximum Skeleton mod? Or something like FNIS? I don't know. I'm trying to think of things that would just straight up stop the NPCs from moving around and acting out their animations. My character is included in the heap of people clipping in front of that carriage as well. This is what it looks like when the game starts:




And here's the updated load order:



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Yeah, you guys were exactly right about that. I knew I had to run the FNIS generator, but I guess I just didn't for some reason. It was all a confusing mess. Everything's working fine now, though. I haven't replied for a week because I eventually just uninstalled all of the animations mods. I played that way for a bit, but then I decided to go back and try to get them working based off of what you guys said to do.


But yeah, everything's cool now. Thanks.

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