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Wrist/Arm/Knuckle Mounted SMG or Similar


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Just wanted to give a proper title to my last topic "An Odd Weapon Request"


A rough visual design has alrdy been posted by Revengous in the last topic(link above). As I said in the previous topic I know diddly squat about modding so I dont know whats capable and whats not. the idea kinda came from an amalgamation between the wrist mounted crossbow from that mohawked bad guy in one of the Mad Max films and the knuckled mounted 3 barrel smg from the ABC robot in Judge Dredd. Two very different theme's I know lol.


This is the design Revengous came up with






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I knew reload animations would be one if not the hardest problem with such a weapon which is one of the reasons I wasn't to fussed about them. I was wondering does a reload animation have to be an actual reload animation that already exists within the game or can you asign the reload function to any animation, for example make the weapon reload when you use an animation such as drawing a a pistol from your side?
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Nope, must be a reload animation. And cant add new.


As far as i know, only one weapon has been done using custom reload animation. It tends to graphically glitch itself, specially whenever you switch 1st and 3rd person views, and it also glitches itself when the "reload jam" happens. This is all because the reloading is done by forcing an iddle on the player, and sometimes the game makes a clusterf*#@ of the two animations.


To really make a reload animation to work, we'd need a better method for bringing one. IF the limitation is on the geck and not the engine, it could be done by tool-modifying the esp, or future fose-tweaking of the editor. If, however its hardcoded.. it would prove a rather daunting limitation.


Once the first REAL custom reload is implemented, you'd have more chances of your idea to be heard, until then, it's rather tough.

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Aww well, my ideas for things are usually "outside the box" and hypathetical lol, on to my next one, having the fatboy or rock-it launcher shoot out of your hat Inspector Gadget style lmao j/k
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the model that i chucked together probably wouldn't work to well, it would be better if i made a completly new one, i might have another go...


your rocket launcher from the hat idea is very possible, create a weapon with a hat as the mesh, and then select the 'embedded weapon' option. this means that you can specify a particular node on the skeleton to fire from, incase you would select the head node.

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so its easier to launch a rocket from your hat than you have a power fist shoot bullets lol. Thanks for your Enthusiasm in tryin to do this Rev :) much appreciated
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i had another quick go at the hand gun, i think i might be able to put this into the fallout engine. its detenftly plausible, i'll mess around with it and see what i can do.


it looks more like a hand cannon than a 10mm sub machine gun ...:). if i get it ingame ill make 2, 1 firing grenades or something and the other using 10mm ammo.


i migth have a go at a 'hat cannon' aswell, but it fire from the mouth of a person instead if the skeleton was set up simple...

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Wow nice models, I was only joking about the Hat launcher lol, I was just being sarcy lol but atleast if someone wanted to to make an inspector gadget look-a-like which is pretty simple with the treanch and hats they can go to you for gadgets :)


I'll appreciate anything you can chuck together Rev but I would have a suggestion or two well be i a request or 2 :) lol if there is enough leway with the project? smaller barrels if possible and either both bullets or 1 bullet and 1 buckshot maybe. Again I appreciate your having a crack at this. you will prove a few ppl wrong if you get this working lol and maybe make more than just me happy with a new unique addition to the wasetland arsenal :).


It does kinda suprise you a bit thought 1 of the weapons that gave me this wild idea was a crossbow, which is kinda a trademark weapon for apocalyptic themes. they are basic, chep to make and would be ideal in a world where you couldnt come across enough currency to trade for real ammo which would have made itself pretty scarce when you think about it. heck in mad max guns were rare and they didnt exactly have to defend them selves against mutants,giant ant and scorpians and god knows what else lol. If I was in such a time id rather havea crude crossbow than charge something with a hunting knife or makeshift club/hammer lol.

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