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realistic body hit damage


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so im into immersive/overhaul mods lately and came up with an idea that will might acutally be superted.

so basically i was playing skyrim the other day and i saw a bandit,of course i decided to kill him.. with my bow, he was quite far away and when i shot my arrow it hit his thumb and he died instantly, and i was like ''WTF is this? how is it that i havent spotted this before?".

i guess you know where im going, i think a mod that will decrease/increase the damage that npc's take if they are hit in various body parts for example if someone is hit by an arrow in the arm he wouldnt die straight away but will take some damage or if someone is hit IN THE f*#@ING FACE HE SHOULD DIE STRAIGHT AWAY

or if he is hit in the foot he wouldnt take so much damage. thats it, well almost it, theres one more thing to this that isnt in the main idea but if it could be done along with the main idea thats fantastic, basically, if someone is hit in the foot he will run slower, or if he gets hit in the arm he wouldnt be able to use a weapon with that arm or the weapon will do less damage. this is an injury thing idea, you probably get what im saying.


thanks for reading and if you agree with me and think this could/should be done please reply its really important to me.

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