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No new Elder Scrolls soon?


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Damm It !, I was hopping that after fallout 3 they would start the next Elder scrolls ! ??? WTF ???


They started it more than a year ago and announced it's estimated arrival to be 2010. i would expect to see it by 2011.




Bethesda pencils in new Elder Scrolls title for 2010

Fallout 3 publisher Bethesda has indicated that the next title in the hugely popular Elder Scrolls series will be released in 2010.


Paul Oughton, publishing executive for Bethesda, also said that although the market for the Wii and DS has opened up more varied publishing opportunities, the company doesn't have any current plans to release titles for Nintendo consoles.


"At the moment we've got Fallout 3 for this year and potentially there's a new Elder Scrolls title in 2010," said Oughton. "At the moment we're not that interested in the Wii. We're going to stick to PS3, Xbox 360 and PC. We'll continue to pursue three or four titles a year and go for big titles," he said of the company's publishing plans for the future.


Oughton acknowledged that Nintendo has done a great job of expanding the games market to a mass audience, but he also expects that it will soon reach saturation point.


"We've seen games selling in the past 18 months that we never thought we'd see. We wouldn't have thought that pet games and cooking games would have a viable market five years ago. No publisher would have taken those products on," he said.


"But Nintendo bought new products in with vast amounts of marketing money to launch these into the minds of the consumer and made a market for them. Every other publisher then very quickly developed DS and Wii products and we're getting to saturation now."


THEY GETTING US A LIL CONFUSED... so what i say is that its not an annoncment,but a tease of a potential annoucment !...lol

That is some old news, however. That was when they were talking about releasing Fallout 3, and a potential for The Elder Scrolls 5.

It seems they are quite busy on BRINK, so expect a delay/no game.

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  • 2 months later...
Howard took a few questions from the audience but didn't give out much info on their future projects, saying only, "We are working on our next big game but we are not talking about it." Don't look a new Elder Scrolls game in the near future; Howard said there are no current plans for an "Elder Scrolls 5." As far as an Elders Scrolls based MMO, he said in jest, "There's always a chance." He gave no new info on the third party developed Fallout: New Vegas, due out next year. He did confirm that they are through with creating any more Fallout 3 DLC content.



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  • 2 months later...

well sheesh, they have to come out with a new game eventually, after all its october of 2009, so 2010 aint long away!

if they want to make any money, then thay have to answer the cliffhanger at the end of TES 4 OBLIVION!!!

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Howard took a few questions from the audience but didn't give out much info on their future projects, saying only, "We are working on our next big game but we are not talking about it." Don't look a new Elder Scrolls game in the near future; Howard said there are no current plans for an "Elder Scrolls 5." As far as an Elders Scrolls based MMO, he said in jest, "There's always a chance." He gave no new info on the third party developed Fallout: New Vegas, due out next year. He did confirm that they are through with creating any more Fallout 3 DLC content.





that quote lead to many miss quotes, people believing that mean't no new TES game however a developer came out and spoke against this saying they're not finished with the story, they like it as we the players do. It's just that now they have to focus on the new title BRINK. I'd much rather they finished that and worked on TES 5 or whatever it be with a clear mind.

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Since Bethesda likes to take their time in making games, I always expect something high quality. No BS RPG where you run around killing random things...


More waiting time = Better game.


Less Waiting time = Bad, rushed game. (I think L4D2 might be this, but I'm not sure.)

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