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Black & Red small cannons have NO reason not to Work!


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forget any assumption for goodness sakes..

that Artillery is the ONLY mechanism in the game that knows WHAT YER POINTING AT?


these sexy little Red and Black Cannons would be so easy to animat all they need is:

1) someone to bend over and Light an 18th century FUSE :( .. and then
2) turn away and cover their ears .. and then

3) some Smoke and Flash coming out of the Barrel .. mixed with

4) ground shaking Kaboom Sound File .. mixed with possibly

5) a little optional RECOIL when the cannons fire .. and of course
6) thousands of Weapons mods know what yer pointing at and will blow something up for you...


they'd be so cool



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Agree with the sentiment; after all, the Broadsider is already a vanilla player weapon. I suppose from a design persepctive* that it would be similar to setting up one of those traps where a weapon fires a single shot at whomever set the trip-wire or other trigger off, only the weapon is a Broadsider instead of a rifle.

*I wish to make clear that I'm no modder; about the best I can do for you is write your technical manuals and online help pages for you, and the grammar would be impeccable.


- Shady

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